
NPR Article: Teen Creates App So Bullied Kids Never Have To Eat Alone

Actimator: Actimator offers engaging and collaborative opportunities for students to learn how to code.

Alice: "The Alice Project provides tools and materials for teaching and learning computational thinking, problem-solving, and computer programming across a spectrum of ages and grade levels." Video

Beginners Guide to Learning Programming: This website is packed with great resources to get one started with programming.

Blockly: "Blockly is a library for building visual programming editors."

BotLogic: BotLogic is an educational puzzle game that challenges kids and adults to tackle complex logic problems while teaching valuable programming concepts.

Choose Your Hero: "A mighty warrior. Tharin loves just three things: exploring, building stuff, and combat. He's tough but slow."

Code: was created to help students learn how to code. The site claims it is for student K-5, however, it can be used by any age group to get a basic foundation for programming. Check out a 20-hour course that introduces core computer science and programming concepts. The course is designed for grades K-8.

Code Avengers: "Learn to build websites, apps and games in a fun and effective way."

Codecamdemy: "Welcome to our content library, where you'll find all the courses offered at Codecademy. You can start learning specific web developer skills, languages, and more. Choose a course to get started!"

Code Combat: Learn to code playing a game. You can play Cross Bones: "Test your mettle in this new multiplayer arena! This contest takes place at the end of the Backwoods Forest, so you have limited commands available. Collect gold, summon troops, find flags, grab items, crush your enemy!"

Code Warriors: "Code Warriors is a game designed to introduce children and young people to programming JavaScript, one of the world’s most commonly used programming languages. The aim of Code Warriors is to provide an exciting introduction to the world of coding and help players understand some simple concepts."

Common Sense Media: 14 Tools to Turn Game-Obsessed Kids into Genuine Game Designers

CS Unplugged: "CS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around."

Code Studio: has provided courses that will start out basic and then get a little more difficult.

Codecademy: This site will help you learn how to code. You can learn Python through Codeacademy by visiting this link.

CodeCombat: "If you want to learn to program, you don't need lessons. You need to write a lot of code and have a great time doing it." Learn to code by playing a game. Video

Crescerance: "Seamlessly integrate technology into any classroom by teaching students to create mobile apps. Whether it’s for a STEM-related class or core curriculum you can innovate student learning with our MAD-learn program."

Crunchzilla: This site helps students learn how to code. You can access basic to more advanced lessons.

Cubicstone: This site has some great opportunities to explore and learn.

EarSketch: "You don’t need to know anything about music or computing.Learn to code in Python or JavaScript and make music in any style you choose."

Gamestar: "Gamestar Mechanic uses fun, game-based quests and courses to help you learn game design and make your own video games!"

Google CS First: This site is truly worth exploring if you are interested in music, fashion, storytelling, art and game design.

Grok Learning: This site offers an introductory course using the programming language Python. Click on this link for teachers.

Hackety Hack: This site will get you started with the basics of using Ruby, a programming language. Check out an introductory video.

Hakitu Elite: "Code your way to victory and become the ultimate code warrior!"

Hour of Code: Participate in an hour of code. No experience necessary. Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with code.

Hour of Code Hyperdoc: This resource will get you several links to some great activities.

Lightbot: This resource will help students learn about sequence, commands, patterns, procedures and loops.

Kano: "Make a computer, learn what's inside, play with code. Spark a lifelong passion for computing and the arts."

Khan Academy: This site is packed with a variety of helpful videos.

Khan Academy Hour of Code: "We have many ways to do Hour of Code at Khan Academy.

Choose the one that suits you best! "

Kids Code Projects: Choose from a wide variety of coding options by visiting this site.

Learn by Doing: "Code School courses are organized into Paths based on technology. Navigate our learning Paths to find the right course for you."

Learn Git: This site has more coding practice opportunities.

Made With Code: This site has many examples of how you can code some fabulous things.

Minecraft Hour of Code: Have fun with some coding.

MIT App Inventor: This allows you to create apps on the site. Once you create the app, you can get a QR code and then scan that code with the MIT Ai2 Companion. It will then play on your phone. This site has some helpful information. You can access several user-friendly videos to assist with the MIT App Inventor. Site for teachers and students to access.

Mozilla Thimble: "Mozilla Thimble is a web-based code editor, part of the company’s recently unveiled “Webmakers” project. Thimble is designed to give novice web makers an easy-to-use online tool to quickly build and share web pages."

Project Bloks: "Project Bloks is a research project. Our aim is to create an open hardware platform to help developers, designers, and researchers build the next generation of tangible programming experiences for kids."

Python: This site teaches you how to code using Python. This site has the code that goes along with the book "Python for Kids" by Jason Briggs

Ribbet: This site lets you add fun captions to images.

Roblox: "ROBLOX is the Game Powered by Players. Build your own game world and bring it to life, publish and share it, experience what others have created, play with friends."

Scratch: Scratch Online allows students to explore coding. How to videos.

Sketch Nation: "Sketch Nation offers a free, easy on-ramp to some basic building blocks of coding, like app design and game logic." You can watch this video to learn a bit about Sketch Nation.

Snap!: "Snap! is a visual, drag-and-drop programming language. It is an extended re-implementation of Scratch that allows you to Build Your Own Blocks." Watch a video.

Sploder: "Want to make your own online games for free? Sploder ™ makes it super easy for you to make your own free games online. Make your own arcade games, plat former games, spaceship shooters, or space adventure games." Check out a how-to video.

TechRocket: This site will give you the opportunity to learn programming languages such as Java and iOS. Visitors can explore Minecraft modding and 2D and 3D game design.

Tinker Hour of Code: "Tynker is a creative computing platform where millions of kids have learned to program and built games, apps and more." Check out their main site.

Tinkercad: Create an account for free and explore 3D Design.

Turtle Academy: "A collection of short, free lessons using the Logo programming language. Students will learn the basics of programming logic in this browser-based program. "

Tynker Hour of Code: This site has some great opportunities for students to learn how to code.

Udacity: Udacity offers a variety of free courses in web development, android, cloud and more.

Windows Dev Center: Build Windows apps now. You can easily create apps for Windows and Windows Phone devices from a single project, using the language you prefer. And it’s the best way to be ready for Windows 10."

Wired: "Tiny Bop makes beautiful apps like Everything Machine which uses a smartphone's camera, gyroscope, light, speakers and microphone to teach coding through games."