Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is mandatory for 2nd year PhD students of BSB PhD School and for 3rd year PhD students who haven't presented the past year.

You must have been contact by the organization committee. If you're not, please contact us at:

comitejed@gmail.com or direcdoc@adm.ups-tlse.fr

Abstract submission deadline : January 15th

Even if you've submited an abstract, you must be registered by completing the form available here

To submit click here


To process your application for an oral or poster presentation, you may complete the online form available here.

All fields marked with *red asterisk are mandatory. Please, pay particular attention to the e-mail address provided.

Upon completion of your application, you will received an automatic mail to confirm your submission succeeded.

Abstract Format:

The abstract must be written in english and structured as follow:

Title : It start in uppercase and continue in lowercase except for conventional words ( DNA, RNA, NGS, etc)

Authors : If more than one author use commas to separate the author names; do not use 'and' before the last author. Write your name and surname in full; for any other authors use initial(s) for the first name(s) followed by the surname. If more than one affiliation, use sequential superscript numbers to identify each institution.

Abstract text : Keep the abstract text within 1600 characters, spaces included. The text must be written in a single paragraph