CIFE 2020-2021 GIRONA

VIII Congreso Internacional de Fonética Experimental

VIII Congrés Internacional de Fonètica Experimental

8th International Conference on Experimental Phonetics

The Conference will be held between the 28th and 30th of June 2021 at the University of Girona. It will be in a hybrid format so that those participants who cannot come to Girona have the possibility to participate online.

This decision is subject to possible modifications by the health authority.


book of abstracts

fourth newsletter

plenary sessions

- Dr. Daniel Recasens (UAB)

"Articulatory and aerodynamic foundations of phonological processes. The assimilations"

- Dr. Volker Dellwo (Universität Zürich)

"The dynamics of indexical information and its role in speech communication"

special sessions

- Tools for the experimental study of speech (organized by Dr. Sandra Schwab, Université de Fribourg)

- Prosody assessment (organized by Dr. Juan María Garrido, UNED)

- New methodologies in phonetic studies: what they give and what they need (organized by Dr. Victoria Marrero, UNED)

- Language acquisition and language learning (organized by Dr. Jordi Cicres, Universitat de Girona)

- Studies in forensic phonetics (organized by Dr. Núria Gavaldà, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

round-table discussion

"Current trends in experimental phonetics: expert knowledge or technological skills"


- Dr. Ramon Cerdà (Universitat de Barcelona)

- Dr. Jordi Cicres (Universitat de Girona)

- Dr. Wendy Elvira García (UNED)

- Dr. Ana María Fernández Planas (Universitat de Barcelona)

- Dr. Joaquim Llisterri (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Moderator: Dr. José María Lahoz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

second newsletter



conference venue

Facultat de Lletres, Universitat de Girona

Pl. Ferrater Mora, 1. 17004


From 3rd to 31st of May 2021

- Registration with online participation: 70 €

- University student with accreditation with online participation: 35 €

- Registration with on-site attendance: 70 €

- University student with on-site attendance: 35 €

On-site attendance participants will receive information about the payment of the meals at a later date.

key dates

conference dates: 28th TO 30TH JUNE 2021


Dra. Beatriz Blecua (UdG)

Dr. Jordi Cicres (UdG)

Dra. María J. Machuca (UAB)

COllaborating committee

Sergi Dalemus (UdG)

Marina Espejel (UdG)

Andrea Fernández (UdG)

Berta Martínez (UdG)

Anna Ortega (UdG)

Mariona Prat (UdG)

Cristina Ramos (UdG)

scientific COMMITTEE

Dra. Lourdes Aguilar

Dra. Lorraine Baqué

Dr. Adrián Cabedo

Dr. Francisco José Cantero

Dra. Josefina Carrera

Dr. Juli Cebrián

Dra. Yolanda Congosto

Dra. Susana María Cortés Pomacóndor

Dr. Miguel Cuevas

Dra. Josefa Dorta Luis

Dr. Gorka Elordieta

Dra. Wendy Elvira-García

Dra. Eva Estebas

Dra. Marianela Fernández

Dra. Elisa Fernández

Dra. Ana María Fernández Planas

Dra. Mª Luisa García Lecumberri

Dr. Juan María Garrido

Dra. Núria Gavaldà

Dr. Mark Gibson

Dra. Juana Gil

Dr. Antonio Hidalgo

Dr. Alexander Iribar

Dr. José María Lahoz-Bengoechea

Dr. Joaquim Llisterri

Dra. Victoria Marrero

Dr. Eugenio Martínez Celdrán

Dr. Antonio Pamies

Dra. Sílvia Planas

Dr. Antonio Ríos

Dra. Rosalía Rodríguez

Dra. Lourdes Romera

Dr. Joaquim Romero

Dr. Paolo Roseano

Dra. Assumpció Rost

Dra. Sandra Schwab