Game Bot Commands

Prefix: / 🔶 [] = Required 🔷 () = Optional

Dice Commands

/dice six-sided - Rolls a normal 6 sided dice

/dice custom [minimum] [maximum] - Rolls a dice with the numbers you have provided

Rock, Paper, Scissors Commands

/rps [tool] - Play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors against the bot

Truth or Dare Commands

/truth-or-dare [action] - Play Truth or Dare

Animal Commands

/cat picture - Shows an random image of an cat

/dog picture - Shows an random image of an dog

/cat fact - Shows you a cat fact

/dog fact - Shows you a dog fact

Quote Commands

/8ball [question] - Gives you an Magic 8 Ball answer

/fortune - Shows you a random fortune fact

/dadjoke - Tells you a dad joke

/bible [action] - Use some stuff related to the Chirstian Bible

/ben [question] - Ask Ben any question

Flip a Coin Commands

/coinflip - Flips a coin, can land on Heads or Tails

/yes-or-no-coin [question] - Ask an question and a coin will answer yes or no

Random Guess Commands

/rnum [yourguess] - Type a number from 1 to 10 and the bot will show you if you've guessed correctly

Other Commands

/math [type] [first] [second] - Calculate anything you want

/ascii [art] - Get an selected ASCII art

/bored - Play some games outside Discord

/chat ai [message] - Ask an AI any question! (Limited to 5 requests per 5 minutes per user)

Minecraft Commands

/mc-java [type] [identifier] - Get an Minecraft Java stat about something

Miscellaneous Commands

/invite - Shows a invite link for the bot

/vote - Vote for the bot using the link

/help - Shows you a help page