Edgemont 7th Ward Digital Bulletin

Join us on Sundays at 10:30 AM

Edgemont 7th Ward Sacrament Meeting

In Person Attendance Schedule

Sacrament Meeting: full ward invited to attend in person

2nd Hour Meetings: all classes will be held in person

Sacrament Program

Just as Abigail was willing to take Nabal’s sin upon herself, so did the Savior—in an incomprehensible way—take upon Him our sins and the sins of those who have hurt or offended us. In Gethsemane and on the cross, He claimed these sins. He made a way for us to let go of a vengeful heart. That “way” is through forgiving—which can be one of the most difficult things we ever do and one of the most divine things we ever experience. On the path of forgiveness, Jesus Christ’s atoning power can flow into our lives and begin to heal the deep crevasses of the heart and soul.

Sister Kristin M. Yee

June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

CLICK HERE for online weekly bulletin/program

(includes links to each hymn)


1st and 3rd Sundays: Sunday School (in person, no link, 11:40 AM - 12:30 PM)

2nd and 4th Sundays: Relief Society, Young Women's, Quorum Meetings (in person, no link, 11:40 AM - 12:30 PM)

Every Sunday: Primary (in person 11:40 AM - 12:30 PM)

Also on the Ward Website


If you want to send emails to the ward for Community or Church information, please use this address: emailsforEdgemont7@gmail.com

Ward Choir: Choir practice is every Sunday except for fast Sunday. Rehearsing at 11:20 at the Hansen’s home.

The bishopric encourages all adults (whether in teaching/leadership roles or not, but especially parents) to complete the Protecting Children and Youth church training. See link below:


Our Ward Facebook Page is Up and Running! Here's the link, Heather (Houston) Church will be admitting all member requests to the page. If you don't have a clear name or picture in your profile, please private message her on FB or text 801-319-1706 your name and your profile image and she will admit you to the page. 

Here's the Link: Friends and Neighbors of the Edgemont 7th Ward

Scheduling Temple Appointments

We are grateful for President Russell M. Nelson's recent invitation to "spend more time in the temple, and seek to understand how the temple teaches you to rise above this fallen world" ("Overcome the World and Find Rest," general conference, Oct. 2022).

Church members continue to be encouraged to schedule temple appointments as well as cancel appointments that cannot be kept. Members can reserve an appointment at temples.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, in the Member Tools app, or by calling the temple.

Scheduling appointments helps maintain a house of order that improves the temple experience for everyone, especially during times of increased demand and attendance. Priority will continue to be given to members with appointments. Those who attend without an appointment may be asked to participate in another available ordinance or wait for an opportunity to become available.


New Church Resource:

We encourage parents to use a new resource the Church has recently made available: “Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path" (https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2023/54-appendix?lang=eng)

It is a series of discussion guides for talking about covenants in normal and natural ways. “Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path” for parents includes the following topics:

It can be found in the appendix of the “Come, Follow Me — For Individuals and Families New Testament 2023 manual" (https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/come-follow-me-for-individuals-and-families-new-testament-2023?lang=eng)


Come, Follow Me: For Individuals and Families

Resources for Learning and Teaching the Gospel can be found here --> https://www.lds.org/manual/come-follow-me?lang=eng


For more information on Ministering please visit, https://www.lds.org/mycalling/ministering?lang=eng&cid=rda_v_ministering_eng

Pay Tithing Online

Click this link "Pay Tithing" to get your tithing paid easily! Just log into your lds.org account after clicking the link.  VIDEO: The Miracle of Tithing - Gordon B. Hinckley

Need to schedule a meeting with the bishop?

To schedule a meeting with the bishop, contact ward executive secretary, Matt Heiner 801-205-6687 or email mheiner@gmail.com  

Need to renew your temple recommend with the bishop?

Contact John Crandall (John-Crandall@hotmail.com or  801-368-0977) for temple recommend appointments

Need to schedule the building?

Contact Lee Ann and David Long text (preferred), call 385-207-8642, or email longbranchshortranch@gmail.com

Have an announcement or email for the ward members/bulletins? Not sure who to send it to?

Digital Bulletin -- Heather Church (edgemont7thwardbulletin@gmail.com)

Relief Society Bulletin -- Sachi Briscoe (sachi.cmhc@gmail.com )

Emails for the ward members -- Denise Swift (emailsforedgemont7@gmail.com)