The 13-Storey Treehouse is a 2011 book[1] written by author Andy Griffiths and illustrated by Terry Denton,[2] and a stage play based on the book.[3] The story follows Andy and Terry, who are living in a 13-storey treehouse, struggling to finish their book on time among many distractions and their friend Jill, who lives in a house full of animals and often visits them. According to the book, the 13-storey treehouse has "a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a tank full of man-eating sharks, a secret underground laboratory, a vegetable vaporizer and a marshmallow machine that shoots marshmallows into your mouths when it sees that you are hungry".

Andy wakes up one morning, and on his way to getting breakfast, he meets Terry, painting a white cat yellow to turn it into a canary, or a "catnary". After being dropped from the treehouse, the cat grows wings and flies away. Andy and Terry are then greeted by their animal-loving friend Jill, who wants to find her pet cat, Silky. It turns out that the cat Terry painted was that exact cat. Andy and Terry try to remain innocent when Jill questions them. Right after Jill leaves, Andy and Terry receive a call via a 3D video phone by their publisher, Mr Big Nose, who is upset that the duo is behind schedule.

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The first volume in the Treehouse series introduces young readers to Andy, Terry, their neighbour Jill and the WORLD'S BEST treehouse. With Andy's easy-to-follow text, this edition also features Terry's hilarious illustrations in full colour, so even the most reluctant reader won't be able to put The 13-Storey Treehouse down!

Not content with their giant catapult, tank of man-eating sharks and marshmallow shooting machine, in the second book in the Treehouse series Andy and Terry have added thirteen brand-new levels to their treehouse. Join them for a laugh-out-loud adventure, complete with a dodgem-car rink, an ice-cream-serving robot, and lots of unexpected escapades!

Terry and Andy are back with an even taller treehouse, with a whole host of fantastic new features in the third book in the series. With a baby-dinosaur petting zoo and a super-secret floor to explore, the real question is whether they can stay focused long enough to meet the deadline for their new book and avoid the wrath of their editor!

Andy and Terry turn their hands to detective work in The 52-Storey Treehouse as they embark on a quest to find the mysterious Mr Big Nose. Luckily for them, the treehouse now has a floor with a high-tech detective agency and all the latest high-tech detective technology, along with a rocket-powered carrot launcher and a Ninja Snail Training Academy.

The WORLD'S BEST treehouse is now over one hundred stories tall! In the eighth volume in the series, Andy and Terry look to the treehouse's floors for inspiration for a funny story for their new book. Kids will love turning the pages to discover if the tooth fairy or the riddles of the deep-thoughts thinking room can help Terry and Andy find a tale in time to keep their editor happy.

Climb the storeys with thirteen, never-before-read, fully illustrated adventures starring Andy, Terry and their friends. Featuring laugh-out-loud stories such as: Terry and the Magic Wand, Chair-up-your-nose Day, The Day Terry Flushed Me Down the Toilet, The Mystery Case of the Missing Doodles . . . and many, many more!

What's black and white and read all over? The Treehouse Joke Book, of course! With tonnes of hilarious jokes inspired by the floors of Andy and Terry's treehouse, funny riddles for kids and comic-style illustrations, this kid's joke book is a perfect gift for fans of the Treehouse books.

This treehouse has thirteen stories, a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a secret underground laboratory, and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and automatically shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you are hungry.

The story begins with Andy introducing himself and his friend Terry. He says that they live in a 13-story treehouse, which has a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a tank full of man-eating sharks, vines you can swing on, a games room, a secret underground laboratory, a lemonade fountain, a vegetable vaporizer, and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and automatically shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you're hungry. Andy says that as well as the treehouse being his and Terry's home, it is also where they make books together. Andy writes the words and Terry draws the picture.

When Andy realizes that Terry has only done two drawings, he is disappointed. He asks if Terry expects him to do all the work, including the drawings. Terry says that he can't draw. This leads to a drawing competition. Terry's drawings were all better than Andy's. Angrily, he grabs the giant banana Terry made in the secret underground laboratory to whack him over the head, but Terry gets hold of it and whacks Andy instead. His POV goes black. Then Terry saves him by pouring a bucket of water over him. After that was dealt with, Andy finds out that he has only written four words and four pages, much to his dismay. Right around then, Terry's favorite show, Barky the Barking Dog. Andy finds it really dumb, but he watches it with Terry anyway. After the episode finishes, he is about to watch his second-favorite show, Buzzy the Buzzing Fly, when Andy stops him by picking up the TV and throwing it out the window. It landed with a crash on the ground before and narrowly misses Bill the Postman. He says that he has a special delivery for Terry. It was a package of sea monkeys. He rushes down to get it and promises Andy that he'll go to the secret underground laboratory and will be back in an instant. Andy waits for a really long time before heading down to the lab. Terry had just finished building the apparatus that will dispense the exact amount of water the sea monkeys need, This takes a while, and Terry says that he needed to purify the water, which would take 24 hours. Andy says that was a whole entire day. He tells Terry to skip the purifying step or else he'll shove a jar on his head so hard that it'll be stuck there for the rest of his life. Terry says yes and goes straight to feeding the sea monkeys. However, one of them ate all the food before the others could get it. Terry tried again, but this time, the sea monkey ate all the food AND all the other sea monkeys. Then it began multiplying in size. Andy and Terry ended up taking it to their bathtub in their bathroom. When the sea monkey had finished growing, it became a mermaid. Terry was devastated as mermaids are for girls. After that, the mermaid introduces herself to Terry and ignores Andy. The mermaid's name is Mermaidia. The two quickly fell in love and got married by kissing. Mermaidia suggested that they live in her 13-story sandcastle under the sea. Terry liked that idea and left the bathroom to say goodbye to Andy. He quickly hid behind the door before Terry left. Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Mermaidia revealed her true identity as a sea monster. Andy heard strange noises and opened the door. He was shocked after seeing what was happening and recorded it. In the kitchen, the marshmallow machine was feeding Terry marshmallows. Andy shows Terry the horrifying clip, and then Mermaidia shows up behind them. Andy and Terry frantically take the elevator down to the lab. Then Terry turns his banana enlarger into a banana shrinker. Sure enough, Mermaidia arrives in the lab in a short amount of time. Terry opens fire on her and she begins to shrink. Finally, she was no larger than a jelly bean, and Andy flushes her down the toilet. Terry, depressed, refused to do his work as his "wife" was gone. So Andy suggests that they pop popcorn with the lid off. Popcorn flies everywhere and they eat until they're full. Then they head to the lemonade fountain. The two burp very loudly afterward. Terry climbs out of the lemonade fountain and chews a really long roll of bubble gum. He burped and chewed and blew and burped into his bubble. Pretty soon, the bubble was so large that it surrounded Terry. He began to float away. Andy tried to rescue him by practicing his golf swing. It took four attempts before he could pop Terry's bubble. The bad news was that he was plummeting downward with nothing to protect him. Luckily, the marshmallow machine came at the last second and began firing marshmallows at the ground at supersonic speed to form a marshmallow trampoline. Terry landed safely and he and Andy return to work. They come up with a superhero called Superfinger. For the story Andy and Terry wrote about Superfinger, click here. After they finish, Bill returns and has another package. It was a box of replacement sea monkeys. Terry rushed to the door to retrieve his package. He quickly hatched the eggs in the secret underground laboratory and started work on his next book with Andy when there was a loud crash coming from the lab. The duo ran down to see what was all the commotion. It turned out that the sea monkeys were REAL monkeys and they were destroying the laboratory. Not long after, they got into the elevator and Andy panics that the monkeys will invade the rest of the treehouse. He was right about that, as the monkeys created total chaos on every level of the treehouse. Several monkeys riding the marshmallow were firing marshmallows at the duo. Another bunch of monkeys swinging on a vine crashed into the marshmallow machine, causing it to explode. But that didn't stop their crazy rampage. The monkeys started pelting the duo with whatever they could get their paws on. Terry picks up the giant banana and begins whacking the debris away. Then he began whacking the monkeys out of the tree. The monkeys reentered the tree, but not to resume the disaster. They sat down and simply watched Terry swing the banana around. This caused the monkeys to be mesmerized. Andy and Terry led the monkeys to the giant catapult. They launched away the monkeys along with the banana. The duo returned to work when the treehouse began shaking wildly. The two head over to the edge of the deck to see a giant gorilla shaking the tree. Andy says he knows what might've happened. The banana landed on a faraway tropical island. The banana happily ate the banana and loved it so much that it made a boat out of its peel and used its nostrils to track down where the banana came from. Andy suggests using the banana enlarger to produce more giant bananas, but Terry says that the banana enlarger has been destroyed by the monkeys. Then, a white stretch limousine pulls over at the front door. A chauffeur wearing a fancy suit rang the doorbell. He was here to tell Terry that he won first place in the Barky the Barking Dog drawing competition. Then the chauffeur let Terry met Barky. Barky began barking at the gorilla, but it stomped on him. After that, the chauffeur scooped up an injured Barky and carried him back into the limo and drove away. Now without Barky, the treehouse was at risk of total destruction. Andy and Terry panicked. Right when things couldn't get any worse, 13 flying cats (now catnaries; one of them was Silky) appeared. The catnaries formed a menacing circle above the tree to lure the gorilla up. That's when the catnaries began fighting the gorilla. Eventually, the gorilla got dizzy and landed on the ground with a loud THUD! The catnaries lifted up the gorilla and dropped it on the tropical island. Then the doorbell rang. Terry ran to the door, and Andy followed along, trying to stop Terry in case Bill was there to deliver even more replacement sea monkeys. But it was Jill. She saw Silky flying away with her friends and found the situation questionable. She was able to make Andy confess and tell her what Terry did. But Jill wasn't mad at all. In fact, she appreciated what Terry did. After she left, Andy said that they still haven't written their book yet. Stressed out, Andy sat down at the kitchen table to work. Terry said that they should just write down what happened that day, and Andy loved that idea. So they used it. The next day, it was 4:45 PM when they finished their book. The only problem was that they had no way to get their book delivered to Mr. Big Nose on time. Then Jill showed up at the deck, sitting in a stroller flown by Silky and her friends. Andy and Terry got in and the stroller was driven to Mr. Big Nose's office. Andy threw his book in the office, and Mr. Big Nose published it. The book was distributed to libraries, bookstores, and other places where you can read books. And then you read it and they all lived happily after ever. The duo's new book, The 13-Story Treehouse, was added to their book pile. 2351a5e196

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