Class Roster

Class Roster

Classmates are listed in alphabetical order by last name at graduation. Click on underlined names to email. Click on deceased date to read obituary. If you would like to add or update your email address, please contact us.


Harold Aardahl

Linda Abbey Cone

Gary Ackerman

Sheila Adams (d. 5/30/1997)

Linda Adrian McFarland

Mike Aichele

Matthew Airhart

Valerie Alexander

Dick Alkire

Janet Allessio

Sue Allison

Dave Almond (d. 6/11/2019)

Mark Amacker (d. 1/6/2001)

Ron Anders

James Andersen (d. 9/28/2004)

Jon Anderson

Robert Anderson

Sharon Anderson Phillips

Wayne Anderson

Jeanette Armatis

Mike L. Artz

Rebecca Artz (d. 7/2/2021)

Bill Ayotte

Hanan Ayoubi

Classmates Serving Our Country

We celebrate and thank those of our classmates who chose to serve our country to protect our freedom and rights as Americans.