I have installed kicad 5.01 version in my laptop having linux mint . I am facing problem in adding component to its library ,earlier when i have done it on windows i was able to do it . How to fix it?

After moving to Linux Mint 17.3, I am not able to the install python3-venv module, which is said to be the replacement for virtualenv in python 3.x. In my linux mint 16 I had access to pyvenv-3.4 tool. I dont know when I installed that module in Linux mint 16.

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To answer your question about why we don't have a better un-installation method on linux. People that contribute to Joplin don't uninstall, and people who uninstall don't contribute. That said, it wouldn't be too hard to add an uninstall option to the script, I'll add it to my list (someone else feel free to do this first).

This is really an issue with Mint and the way they use/package xubuntu-default-settings_22.04.0 and mint-artwork_1.7.5. Both packages have the same /etc/skel/.config/hexchat files included (which is kind of a packaging no-no). At the very least, those two packages should conflict and the package manager should tell you that before attempting install.

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

 mint-meta-xfce : Depends: mintdesktop but it is not going to be installed

 Depends: xfce4-cpufreq-plugin but it is not going to be installed

 Depends: xfce4-eyes-plugin but it is not going to be installed

 Depends: xfce4-timer-plugin but it is not going to be installed

 Depends: xfce4-time-out-plugin but it is not going to be installed

 Depends: xfce4-xapp-status-plugin but it is not going to be installed

 xubuntu-core : Depends: xubuntu-default-settings but it is not going to be installed

 Recommends: snapd but it is not installable

 xubuntu-desktop : Depends: xubuntu-default-settings but it is not going to be installed

 Recommends: snapd but it is not installable

E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

Now, the root of the problem here is that the Linux Mint folks screwed up their linuxmint-21.2-cinnamon-64bit-edge.iso, because, if you look at its content, you will find that the /efi/boot/bootx64.efi, i.e. the 64-bit UEFI bootloader for x86 systems, is a symbolic link that points to a file that does NOT exist on the ISO (because it points to /etc/alternatives/shimx64.efi.signed which probably existed on the developer's machine but is most certainly not present on the ISO-9660 file system). So, of course, when you create the media using File System Transposition (or ISO mode as Rufus calls it), the 64-bit UEFI bootloader will not work and the media will not boot, even though this has nothing to do with using NTFS.

You might be able to get a bootable media by using DD Mode when Rufus prompts you (Remember when you got a prompt from Rufus asking you whether you wanted to write the image in ISO Mode or DD Mode, and advising you to try DD Mode if you had an issue with ISO Mode?), but the main issue, really, is that the Linux Mint folks borked their linuxmint-21.2-cinnamon-64bit-edge.iso (but curiously, their linuxmint-21.2-xfce-64bit.iso is fine) and I have now reported this to them.

I also tried Login: "mint" Password: -empty-I can't reach the console with strg+alt+F1 or similar combinations, so it is not possible to start Linux Mint Rafaela from a live USB Stick for me. Any suggestions?

Linux Mint 17.3 MATE Edition has been released and announced by Linux Mint Team, this release featuring the latest version of MATE Desktop Environment 1.12, based-on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, linux kernel 3.19, Xorg 1.17, Mesa 10.5.9 and will get updates and security patch until 2019.

Today I tried to search for questions about this Mint programming language on Stack Overflow using tag mint. However, the result is that I got redirected to tag linux-mint and that is not what I wanted to see for the tag mint, which I think should be referred to the Mint programming language instead because now that linux-mint already has its own tag.

Common and/or short words as tags nearly always backfire and just create work that we don't really want more of. A number of conflicts with [mint] have already been outlined in the comments, and those are just the tip of the iceberg.

Use [mint-language], [mint-lang] (with or without the dash), or something else instead, as long as it's explicit about which mint the tag is for. The tag has to be created first, however; I'm not seeing an existing tag at the time of writing.

Ubuntu might be the best-known distribution, but Linux Mint (linuxmint.com), which is based on Ubuntu, is where many Windows switchers end up. Where Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop environment, Mint uses Cinnamon by default, but can also work with MATE or Xfce. Cinnamon retains many Windows constructs that Gnome lacks, including the taskbar, applets, and desklets (reminiscent of Windows' desktop gadgets).

Las mayores diferencias estn en el escritorio. Linux Mint viene con aplicaciones hechas para el uso individual, las cuales estn diseadas para realzar la experiencia del usuario. Una muestra de esto es mintDesktop, que permite una mayor configuracin de GNOME y una bsqueda automtica de grupos de trabajo Windows y entornos de red. MintWifi hace ms fcil la configuracin de las tarjetas wireless que no tienen conexin a Internet. MintMenu provee una nueva forma de usar el escritorio GNOME, y MintBackup dispone una manera sencilla de realizar copias de seguridad.

Como mnimo se recomiendan 1 GiB de RAM para ejecutar el LiveCD, aunque ya instalado correr bien con 512 MiB. El espacio necesario para la instalacin en el disco duro es de 2.5 GB, que estn comprimidas en un CD de 700 MiB. En el caso de utilizar el instalador para Windows mint4win - Que est disponible a partir de la versin 6.0, y est basado en Wubi -, se recomienda como mnimo 512 Mb. e24fc04721

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