Im trying to find a way to find out which AD remote loader software version is installed. On the RL configuration utility help, just shows what needs to be configured on each instance. File names do not help either. Any idea?

While researching the pre-existing information on BatLoader published on the public internet, there seemed to be some confusion as to whether BatLoader and Zloader, a banking trojan, are one and the same. For example, looking up this file on VirusTotal we see that different antivirus engines group it in the Zloader malware family. The same file has been referenced in community-contributed IOC collections for both Zloader and Batloader.

7 Loader Release 5.exe Download

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In many ways, Batloader draws familiarity from the previously known ZLoader. Our team analyzed the initial steps of compromise utilizing the two malware samples presented in the chart below to provide an accurate comparison.

Despite the resemblance between Batloader and Zloader, there are some differences worth noting. On average, Batloader samples are larger at ~107 MB while ZLoader is only about ~705 KB. This is consistent with the amount of activity that is seen with Batloader from the start.

Note: Batloader continues to evolve and we have seen different execution steps from different samples. Although the core functionality remains the same, the malware operators use different scripts (both in name and content) possibly to make detection more difficult. For simplicity, we only analyzed one of the three variations we encountered. The IOC section below lists scripts and tools used in all the different attack chains. 

The final payloads dropped after infection often include two executables (e.g. d2ef5.exe, p9d2s.exe) and a DLL file (e.g. f827.dll, d655.dll). Within each of the infections we observed, one of the executable files was a known bad attributed to the Ursnif/Gozi malware family, a banking trojan. The other appeared to be Arkei/Vidar infostealer. Once these executables are set to run, the main dll is also executed. In some incidents, we were able to confirm that the dll was a Cobalt Strike stager.

Batloader is a great example of the benefit of our MDR product. As our team has detailed, this malware variant is much stealthier and embeds itself quite thoroughly within the impacted host device. The Carbon Black sensor is able to detect specific behaviors of the malware and generate alerts for further analysis. The alerts in themselves did not paint a holistic picture of the attack. This would be a challenge for any team that does not have the resources to conduct an in depth threat hunt such as those provided by MDR.

MDR Threat Analysts detected this change in tactics and initiated the investigation that has brought us to this point of highlighting the nuances and vital differences between Batloader and Zloader and how it could impact our customer environments. The discovered IOCs related to this malicious behavior is documented to ease the next steps for our customers with Threat Analysts always available for follow-up questions and support.

(Syncro RMM)9f3afef4b3a589c4685f39d887725a664ec0fe78091069550402365e589f9d22SHA-256d2ef5.exe1056ea3dad265dd554362bc0bd67f08fa2b9f3e5839e6e4fb197831a15c8acefSHA-256d2ef5.exe28a57a6a28080eb1374d88cca07b38fb645c558ad30d4d51929d8567dedf5021SHA-256d2ef5.exec1c4adf68455620082889b4c8576110441f6f2c7876240bc3f41f5cea8050370SHA-256d2ef5.exe1be4782dc3839c4ab537b7d5ce80601334de1d84f4be455db7c80b4ae3ec51ceSHA-256p9d2s.exe72504c07e6105b70500519f3bcf718d3113624560c5594e87c08a4efc2e2a1a8SHA-256p9d2s.exe22d5bac1b0cad7ee531f4a156dda677d1cb52ec6512154d42e7bdcef5cc9cc48SHA-256p9d2s.exeb8f294bb3793eee72ab2d2bc436b18fe1c111704405688b43b686f83f0f0b8d0SHA-256p9d2s.exe9cead0a2b8d586a8e2edde7aefe1e106a9894a95f9b251746442c7fbfe99df61SHA-256p9d2s.exe1fe47cac924700a847e669f1d968d73d08fcd39fc3fa03f63035d78769374a40SHA-256d655.dll1b277b89ee84148bd5beebcbdb69b9e5f82f3ce4d1dec4b459217323aec7fd60SHA-256d655.dll54e844b5ae4a056ca8df4ca7299249c4910374d64261c83ac55e5fdf1b59f01dSHA-256f827.dll1daef45653406893cf3f53e0b80f4aa9c83d6a0e8288bd4c5f7e0318096621a0SHA-256installv2.dll89.108.65[.]136IP Addressupdatea1[.]com146.112.61[.]107IP Addressupdatea1[.]com194.67.110[.]215IP Addressexternalchecksso.com194.67.119[.]190IP Addresscloudupdatesss[.]com194.135.24[.]245IP Addressteenieshopus[.]com139.60.161[.]74IP

I had been running very successfully for a few weeks with compat mode for windows 2000 set for both the Arduino IDE as well as the loader (\arduino-1.6.12\hardware\tools\avr\avr\bin\ld.exe). BTW. I can't use win98 compat mode with the IDE, as it wont run at all.

BTW. Before ditching 1.7.11 entirely, I did test if it's loader (ld.exe) was compatible with the 1.6.12 version that I'm using, and indeed it was. So as an experiment I'm now running 1.6.12, but wit the loader from 1.7.11.

BTW. All my sketches are compiling properly at the moment, but when I was first testing my arduino I came across a few really simple sketches (like small modifications to the blink example) that would get the loader error. It would be really useful if someone with the XP issue could post a really simple example of a sketch that crashes. Something we could use for testing workarounds against.

I took a look at the bootloader this morning and it does appear there are some issues which are preventing it from working properly. That said, if you intend to integrate this into an end application you should be debugging both the embedded and PC side applications to learn how they work in order to understand best how to integrate this.

5. We are also planning to create a solution to download the hex file from hyperterminal to device with USB bootloader by using USB-CDC class using ACK-NACK handshaking. Please let us know if you can help us creating this solution or provide it to us if you have it ready with you.

We downloaded the new bootloader code to device first so that we could install the new .inf driver file. But when we downloaded the bootloader code to device, we found that the device is not getting detected on PC and we cant see any auto refresh in device manager indicating that some USB device is connected.

Then we downloaded the old bootloader code to device. So the device got detected on PC. We then uninstalled old driver for the detected port and installed new driver provided by you. So the driver got installed on PC.

After getting the files we were not able to import the project first and were getting some errors. Then I installed some updates, and then was able to import the project, build and download it to hardware. One observation is that once the new bootloader code gets downloaded to hardware it doesnt automatically stop at main but it looks it immediately starts running. We dont need to click the continue button to start the project run.

The speed is related to the host PC not the embedded device. When you open a COM port, the data must travel through many layers of the operating system before actually reaching the USB hardware. This is what is causing the time delay. I've seen similar speeds with a PC->USB->USB/Serial->UART on the device loader, and I confirmed the host was the cause.

I just extracted the exact same zip file I sent you, put it in C:\ti\controlsuite\device_support\f2806x, built the boot_loader and bl_app programs, loaded the boot_loader, and went through a erase and program cycle successfully. I'm not sure why you're having so much trouble. That said, I can still fix the problems you're having in the above post.

At this point, I'm guessing you are using the original copy of the files that you extracted and imported with CCSv5.2 and then re-imported in CCSv5.5. Try deleteing the version folder that you have right now and extracting a fresh copy. Then import the boot_loader and bl_app projects and building. I think this will fix all the build errors you're having.

The memory copy at the beginning of main in the bootloader needs to be moved before the application check. The applicaiton check contains a call to a delay function located in RAM. If this is executed before the memcopy then the function won't actually be in RAM and the device will not start executing the application. Here is an updated copy of the file:

I verified that the -m option works after correcting this mistake. Entering back into the bootloader is a little slow because of a delay loop in the USB library. Replace the usblib/device/usbdfu-rt.c file with the following file and then recompile USBlib, boot_loader, and bl_app to increase the speed at which the application switches back into DFU mode:

Bootloaders are complex pieces of embedded code, and USB is a very complex serial protocol. Combining these two without a full understanding of each is a recipe for disaster. I would highly recommend you spend some more time reading about USB. A simple Google search could answer many of your more generic USB questions (for instance those about VID/PID). You should also spend some time understanding how the bootloader works. Have you even tried stepping through the code to see how the bootloader boots the bl_app example? If not you should. It would probably answer many of your questions.

BTW just to let you know:

As we had issue with getting the (CDC+DFU windows driver), what we have decided to do is, to send the application to bootloader switch command from the hyperterminal using existing CDC class connection. Once it switches to bootloader mode, we will strat the dfuprog utility to download the new application file.

To find the problem, we need to debug the software. First, load the bootloader application into flash. Next, load your application with the dfuprog utility. After both are loaded, connect to the board with CCS and add the symbols for both the bootloader and the application (you'll use the out file from each program). Now you should be able to step through the bootloader code to see why it isn't booting your application. You'll want to set a breakpoint in the AppCheck function and step through. Is the CRC check passing? Is your pAppEntry pointer valid? 17dc91bb1f

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