NLP for Conversational AI

Co-located with ACL 2024 @ Thailand

Over the past decades, mathematicians, linguists, and computer scientists have dedicated their efforts towards empowering human-machine communication in natural language. While in recent years the emergence of virtual personal assistants such as Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, and ChatGPT has pushed the field forward, they may still have numerous challenges.

Following the success of the 5th NLP for Conversational AI workshop at ACL, "The 6th NLP4ConvAI” will be a one-day workshop, co-located with ACL 2024 in Thailand. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss impactful research problems in this area, share findings from real-world applications, and generate ideas for future research directions.

The workshop will include keynotes, posters, panel sessions, and a shared task. In keynote talks, senior technical leaders from industry and academia will share insights on the latest developments in the field. We would like to encourage researchers and students to share their prospects and latest discoveries. There will also be a panel discussion with noted conversational AI leaders focused on the state of the field, future directions, and open problems across academia and industry.

Find conversational AI exciting? We are looking forward to seeing you! 


Previous Workshops

Important Dates

Invited Speakers