Building Sentences


Is there any relation among the picture and this topic?

Build sentences with these words and the proper verbs:

You can write them in affirmative or negative, if so, write the correct answer too:


Contrary to popular belief, the first light bulb was not invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison. It was invented in 1809 by Humphry Davy.

1.- The telephone

2.- The first programmable computer

3.- The Idea of the first television

4.- The very first self-propelled vehicle

5.- The first internal combustion engine

6.- The first gas engine automobile

7.- The photographic image

8.- The first camera

9.- Penincilin

10.- The radio

11.- Polonium, Radium & Radioactivity

Alexander G. Bell Konrad Zuse John Logie Baird Philo Farnsworth Johann Zahn Andrew Moyer Louis-Jackes- Mandé Daguerre ...