
September 16th

  • Closed Meeting (invited only)

September 17th

  • 09:20--11:30 Session 01

    • 09:20--09:30 Akiko Takeda (RIKEN / Univ Tokyo) "Opening Remarks"

    • 09:30--10:00 Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN / Univ Tokyo) "Recent Advances in Machine Learning from Noisy Labels"

    • 10:00--10:30 Patrick Gelß (ZIB) "Low-rank tensor representations of quantum circuits"

    • 10:30--11:00 Shintaro Momose (NEC) "Aurora Vector Annealing to Solve Social Issues and Acceleration by NEC's Supercomputer, SX-Aurora TSUBASA"

  • 11:00--11:20 Coffee Break

  • 11:20--12:20 Session 02

    • 11:20--11:50 Kazuma Tsuji (MUFG Bank) "Pairwise Conditional Gradients without Swap Steps and Sparser Kernel Herding"

    • 11:50--12:20 Christoph Spiegel (ZIB) "Proofs in Extremal Combinatorics through Optimization"

  • 12:20--13:50 Lunch Break

  • 13:50--15:20 Ice Breaking

  • 15:20--16:20 Session 03

    • 15:20--15:50 Yuji Shinano (ZIB) "The UG framework version 1.0: An update"

    • 15:50--16:20 Junko Hosoda (Hitachi) "A parallel algorithm combining relaxation and heuristic for the integrated long-haul and local vehicle routing problem on an adaptive transportation network"

  • 16:20--16:40 Break

  • 16:40--17:40 Session 04

    • 16:40--17:10 Koichi Fujii (NTT DATA MSI) "Solving Large Scale QAPs by Massively Parallel DNN-based Branch-and-bound Method"

    • 17:10--17:40 Elias Wirth (ZIB) "Approximate Vanishing Ideal Computations at Scale"

September 18th

  • 09:30--11:30 Session 05

    • 09:30--10:00 Katsuki Fujisawa (Kyushu Univ) "Mobility Optimization Engine and its Real-world Applications"

    • 10:00--10:30 Hiroki Ishikura (Kyushu Univ) "Towards an optimal operation of automated storage and retrieval system with multiple machines"

    • 10:30--11:00 Nozomi Hata (Kyushu Univ) "Theoretical Analysis for Representation Learning Methods of Graph-Structured Data"

  • 11:00--11:20 Coffee Break

  • 11:20--12:20 Session 06

    • 11:20--11:50 Mark Turner (TU Berlin) "Adaptive Cut Selection in Mixed-Integer Linear Programming"

    • 11:50--12:20 Ryohei Yokoyama (Osaka Metro Univ) "A Quadratic Programming Approach for Performance Analysis of Energy Systems"

  • 12:20--13:50 Lunch Break

  • 13:50--15:50 Ice Breaking

  • 15:50--16:50 Session 07

    • 15:50--16:20 Shizuo Kaji (Kyushu Univ) "Geometric Learning of Ranking Distributions"

    • 16:20--16:50 Akiko Takeda (RIKEN / Univ Tokyo) "Bilevel Optimization for Machine Learning Problems"

September 19th

  • 09:30--11:30 Session 08

    • 09:30--10:00 Sebastian Pokutta (ZIB) "Convex integer optimization with Frank-Wolfe methods"

    • 10:00--10:30 Shota Takahashi (SOKENDAI / ISM) "Bregman Proximal DC Algorithms and Their Application to Blind Deconvolution with Nonsmooth Regularization"

    • 10:30--11:00 Akira Tanaka (NICT) "Port Set Clustering for Internet-Wide Scanner"

  • 11:00--11:20 Coffee Break

  • 11:20--12:20 Session 09

    • 11:20--11:50 Atsushi Miyauchi (Univ Tokyo) "Finding densest k-connected subgraphs"

    • 11:50--12:20 Antoine Deza (McMaster Univ) "Worst-case constructions for linear optimization"

  • 12:20--13:50 Lunch Break

  • 13:50--15:20 Session 10

    • 13:50--14:20 Xun Shen (Tokyo Inst Tech) "Approximate Methods for Solving Chance Constrained Linear Programs in Probability Measure Space"

    • 14:20--14:50 Jun-ya Gotoh (Chuo Univ) "Knot Selection of B-Spline Regression via Trimmed Regularizer"

    • 14:50--15:20 Keisuke Yano (ISM) "Minimum information dependence modeling and its application"

  • 15:20--15:40 Break

  • 15:40--17:10 Session 11

    • 15:40--16:10 Naoki Marumo (NTT / Univ Tokyo) "A generalized Levenberg–Marquardt method for large-scale composite minimization"

    • 16:10--16:40 Shunji Umetani (Osaka Univ) "BIPSOL: A metaheuristic solver for large-scale binary integer programs"

    • 16:40--17:10 Masahiro Nakao (RIKEN) "Performance of the supercomputer Fugaku for Graph500 benchmark"

September 21st

  • 09:30--11:30 Session 12

    • 09:30--10:00 Thorsten Koch (ZIB) "Notes on Solving QUBOs and Quantum Computing"

    • 10:00--10:30 João Doriguello (NUS) "Quantum algorithm for stochastic optimal stopping problems with applications in finance"

    • 10:30--11:00 Ralf Borndörfer (ZIB) "Multicriteria Shortest Path Algorithms"

  • 11:00--11:20 Coffee Break

  • 11:20--12:20 Session 13

    • 11:20--11:50 Pierre-Louis Poirion (RIKEN) "Randomized subspace regularized Newton method for unconstrained non-convex optimization"

    • 11:50--12:20 Akifumi Okuno (ISM / RIKEN) "Minimax Analysis for Inverse Risk in Nonparametric Invertible Regression"

  • 12:20--13:50 Lunch Break

  • 13:50--15:10 Session 14

    • 13:50--14:20 Niels Lindner (ZIB) "On the geometry of periodic timetables in public transport"

    • 14:20--14:50 Inci Yüksel-Ergün (ZIB) "Improving data quality in the presence of superhuman complexity in data errors"

    • 14:50--15:10 Jaap Pedersen (ZIB) "Optimal discrete pipe sizing for tree-shaped CO2 networks"

  • 15:10--15:30 Break

  • 15:30--16:50 Session 15

    • 15:30--16:00 Uwe Gotzes (OGE) "Spotlights on success stories of public-private partnership"

    • 16:00--16:30 Ying Chen (NUS) "Deep Switching State Space Model (DS3M) for Nonlinear Time Series Forecasting with Regime Switching"

    • 16:30--16:40 Osamu Saeki (Kyushu Univ) "Institute of Mathematics for Industry: its uniqueness, strength and prospects"

    • 16:40--16:50 Katsuki Fujisawa (Kyushu Univ) "Closing Remarks"

September 22nd