6th Grade Music

Welcome to 6th Grade Music Class!

I am so excited to be your Music Teacher This Year! We will not only be learning how to read and write music but also how to analyze and perform. We will also study how Music connects to other subject areas like Math, History, and Art.

Hello from Ms. Henry!

I am so thrilled to be your Music Teacher this year! I have been studying music since I was 10 years old and it has always been my passion. My goal is to give you a variety of ways to interact with music. We will perform, compose. and analyze music! I am always available to help via email, Teams, or in person. Please reach out whenever you have questions! hannah.henry@scienceandtech.org

How to Access Class

Video Call & Chat

Class Materials

Our Units for the Year

1) Why We Study Music: we will discuss why music is studied at Byers including the Intellectual, Physical, Emotional, and Social benefits it provides you!

2) Music Identity: this unit is about what music means to you. You will talk about what music you listen to and what your family and friends listens to.

3) Elements of Music: we will learn about the different topics within music like Pitch, Rhythm, Melody, and Tone. we will analyze and learn to understand the different elements of music.

4) Music Foundations: this unit is about practicing the skills of reading, writing, and performing music.

5) Connections: we will study how music intersects with Math, History, Psychology, Art, and many other subjects.

6) Analyzing a Masterwork: we will learn to analyze a larger piece of work. We will discuss the musical choices made and how they impact the story.

Fun Music Related Videos!