Stop-Motion Animation

Modeling phenomena


(1) Stop-Motion Animation Creation - Create a narrated and annotated stop-motion video of an important physical or biological process.

(2) Reflections on use in the classroom - Describe how this activity was employed and its effectiveness.  

Video - Stop motion & Time Lapse photography  [5:47] 

Video - Creating a stop-motion animation - working with a video editor [8:19]

Creating a Stop-Motion Animation

Stop-motion photography is a fantastic tool for teaching scientific processes in a visually engaging and accessible way. It allows you to break down complex concepts into smaller, easy-to-understand steps, capturing each step in a series of still images. When these images are played in sequence, it creates the illusion of movement, enabling students to see the process in action and comprehend it more effectively. Here's how you can use stop-motion photography to teach a scientific process:

Advantages of using stop-motion photography for teaching scientific processes:

By using stop-motion photography as a teaching tool, you can enhance students' understanding and appreciation of scientific processes while fostering their creativity and critical thinking skills.

Time Lapse & Stop Motion