
Post #646DropTheCharges all day Friday on all social media platforms!
11am to 2pm, but any time will help.
TCC4J will be posting all day, and you can use content we're posting on this site.

Here's why:

On the night of November 4, 2020 over 30 organizations and a thousand people came together to march against Trump’s attempts to steal the election. As the crowd marched onto I-94, the State Patrol and local police moved in, without any warning, and refused to let them leave the freeway. 646 people, including several minors, were charged with "public nuisance" misdemeanors and at least one protester, Amina McCaskill, was charged with multiple felonies (riot and assault with a dangerous weapon) for allegedly shining a laser pointer towards police.

We demand ALL the charges from November 4 be dropped. The Twitterstorm will target prosecutors that can act to drop the charges, as well as politicians and police leadership that are responsible for the actions of police in our communities.

To our knowledge, November 4 was the largest mass arrest in Minnesota history. Despite the intimidation by police, protesters stayed calm and organized, holding the space with speeches, chants, and a marathon dance party. Many live-streamed the incident and made calls to local politicians to question the militarized response that allowed police to keep protesters trapped on the highway for nearly 6 hours. It is a travesty that the state is willing to spend money to try to suppress peaceful protest rather than on solutions to police brutality, affordable housing, food insecurity, and education.

The original demands for the march were a call for a People’s Mandate to address the triple pandemic of racism, COVID-19, and recession. Primarily, the march focused on protesting Trump’s unconstitutional theft of the election, but also recognized that much work needed to be done to secure our rights regardless of who sits in the White House.