Timmy is a skinny, redhead boy. He is the best child (please don't hate on me) as he comes back faster from expeditions and has less chance to get caught by raiders. However, in the reatomized version, he can be a detriment due to some events triggered by his presence lowering the overall sanity of some characters as well as maybe destroying some items.

Expeditions are when you choose one of your characters to go outside and scavenge items that will assist you in your survival. They are crucial in every game except one character runs (because if you do that in those runs, your game is over, however in the reatomized version you can go into an expedition solo with the padlock, but there is also a chance that people will take over your shelter which is just not very safe).

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60 Seconds! is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Polish[1] studio Robot Gentleman.[2] It was released for Windows on May 25, 2015,[3] on December 18, 2017, for the Nintendo Switch,[4] on March 6, 2020, for the PlayStation 4[5] and Xbox One, on December 28, 2017, for Android,[6] and on September 22, 2016, for iOS.[7] The game takes place in a suburban town as a nuclear bomb is set to detonate in 60 seconds, forcing a family of four to gather as many supplies as possible within the timeframe and then survive and eventually escape to a safer place with what supplies could be gathered.

First, the player has the titular 60 seconds to acquire whatever supplies, family members, and diversional items (e.g. a checkers set), and bring them to an underground shelter beneath their house, including the family member they initially control, before a nuclear bomb is dropped on the neighborhood and detonates. Failure to do so affects the flow of the gameplay.

The other issue I had with the game was a minor but pervasive gripe: the soundtrack is good, but there are some ambient sounds that are really grating, like the sound of the tuba during the initial 60 seconds and the grainy blip of radiation readings when the world above is irradiated. While I get that the annoying sounds might be part of the comedy, I had to turn the sound off after a few days of radiation pips because they were aggravating me so much.

With only 60 seconds left to impact, go on a mad dash through the house in search of family members and useful supplies. Everything will be against you: time, your very own furniture, a house that's different every time you play, and the fundamental question... what to take with you and who to leave behind?

You have 60 seconds on the clock to grab whatever you need to survive the nuclear apocalypse. Do you grab your entire family or only the members you like? After all, you also need supplies and there's a high chance you might not have enough rations for everyone. That feeling of panic and chaos is what 60 Seconds! Reatomized is trying to get across in its early stages and once you make your decisions and enter the bunker you have to live with however it plays out, but the end goal is always to (hopefully) survive.

All that being said, once you get past those first 60 seconds the format of the game changes drastically. First off, the aforementioned 2D art style shows itself and it is a massive improvement. The characters and environment actually have personality. You also no longer need to deal with the uncomfortable walking controls. Instead, the rest of the game uses point and click actions. 006ab0faaa

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