Registration and fees


Registration: Nov. 1, 2017 – March 15, 2018

Fees payment: Jan. 1, 2018 - March 15, 2018

To register please send an email to with your name and affiliation.

The registration fee includes coffee breaks and documentation.


Academic participant €200

Portuguese academic participant €100

Student €100

Portuguese student €70

Non academic participant €300

At least one author of each accepted paper must register (with receipt of fees payment) by February 28, 2018, to ensure its inclusion in the conference proceedings. Each registration will allow for only one paper to be published and presented. Authors must pay an extra fee (€120) if they wish to publish and present more than one paper; up to a maximum of 1 additional papers will be allowed.

Bank transfer payment:

Bank Name: Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Beneficiary: Universidade de Aveiro

Bank Address: Rua Clube dos Galitos nº 9 – 3810-085 Aveiro

Bank account number: 0035 0836 00000022430 30

I.B.A.N: PT50 0035 0836 00000022430 30


Country: Portugal

After payment, please send us an email to with:

- a copy of the bank transfer receipt

- a copy of your student ID (only for students).