Sample Entries

Write a letter to the character.

Reflect on what is happening to them in the story and give them some advice.

Another option for a jot is to respond to the first letter that you wrote in the voice of the character.

Character Chart

While reading a book, create a character chart on the main characters in your story.

Take note of their traits, problems and the changes that happen to them over the course of the book.

Theme work with a main character

Choose one of the main characters in your book. Think about one of the underlying themes or messages the author is trying to show.

Create a web showing how different characters interact with the main character, revolving around the theme.

Character Traits

While reading a book create a list of main characters. Create a drawing of what you think the character looks like.

Using the information from the text, create a list of different traits and information that you are learning about the character.

Word Association

Choose one word from the article and describe how the author uses it. Create your own word that they think of when they hear that word.

Write a paragraph to explain how the two words are connected.

Visual Representation

Draw a picture of something that reminds you of the character that you are reading about. Maybe it is a symbol for something, or a tool they use.

Write a paragraph explaining the different parts of the drawing and why it is important to the character.