Look & Feel
5 systems to organise and 5 elements to harmonise.
KonMari method X Feng Shui principles
for sustainably optimised interior design.

A full-service experience,

combined with a strong knowledge and experience of the hospitality industry,
where customer
need to feel at home away from home, and the
best of both Western and Eastern interior design approaches.

At 5S&E, our goal is to optimise every spaces and organisation.

We declutter, organise and harmonise with tested and approved methods and a strong ecosystem to bring the appropriate flow of energy in each areas.

Whether you want to bring serenity or wealth; along w
ith KonMari method, a straightforward process to declutter your space as well as your mind and Feng Shui principles for an effective and practical way to transform spaces into surroundings that soothes and inspires; you get spaces you want to be in.