Race Information

This event will begin and end at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church & School parking lot.

Registration 7:30AM

Race Start 8:00AM

Join us after the event for snacks and water.

A race clock will be at the event, but this will not be an officially timed event.

There will be a donation box at the registration table. All proceeds will go to the Domestic Abuse Advocacy Program.

Domestic Abuse Advocacy Program

Survivors of relationship violence often keep their experiences to themselves out of fear, guilt, and shame. Relationship violence not only affects a person physically, it also harms their emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Healing from these traumas takes time, understanding, and the truths of God's love.

The Domestic Abuse Advocacy Program is a program in which individuals within a church work as a volunteer Advocate - a friend to a survivor of abuse. Kingdom Workers has trained four individuals at St. Paul's as Advocates who can assist any person in need. The Advocate will listen without judging, assess for safety, and provide confidential assistance, support, love, and resources within our community to the abused survivor. The Advocate makes sure the survivors feel welcomed, reassures them of God's love, and points them toward the true and lasting healing found in Jesus.

Your donation would not go toward the church or the Advocates, but instead to providing survivors with the help they need.

Learn more about this program at WELS Kingdom Workers.

"He (Jesus) heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds"

Pslam 147:3