
Greenland is the world’s largest island and it is an exciting destination in the Arctic for all adventure minded travelers.

Greenland is a rugged land and except for a few settlements and sheep farms in South Greenland there are no roads between any towns or communities. This means that passenger-approved boats, helicopters and planes tie the country together in a web of sea and air connections operated by both large and small scale operators. Greenland’s national airline Air Greenland services all major towns and a number of settlements with domestic flights and helicopter connections year round.

Big Arctic Five highlights five core Arctic attractions with a unique Greenlandic touch. The five experiences not to be missed whether you visit Greenland during the summer or winter months are: Authentic dog sled rides, the uplifting magic of the northern lights, the splendour of the ice sheet and Greenland’s fascinating whales. To top if all off there’s the people of Greenland: pioneers; simultaneously ancient and modern. They look forward to welcoming you.

Partners: Visit Greenland, Arctic Adventure, Air Greenland, Greenland Travel

Contact Info:

Tanny Por