Practical information

Beware the hotel scam!

As it unfortunately happens more and more frequently in recent years, some participants have reported that fraudulent agencies have contacted them regarding travel and accommodation to Würzburg. Please ignore those messages and do not provide any personal information!

No external travel agency is affiliated with the university or was involved in the organisation; official e-mails about the workshop will only be sent from the organisers themselves.


All the scientific activities will be held at the Library and Seminar Center of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Josef-Martin-Weg 64, 97074 Würzburg). 

Please note that the most convenient entrance is the north entrance, just in front of the bus stop Bibliothekszentrum (see the pictures on

The lecture room will be Helmut-Pabel-Hörsaal, at the ground floor (on the left past the entrance). It is equipped with two large blackboards, a side whiteboard and a beamer (all the boards and the screen are visible at the same time). For the participants who requested it, childcare service will be provided in the same building.


Most of us will have lunch at the canteen "Mensateria Campus Hubland Nord" (, a few minutes walking from the lecture room.

IMPORTANT: you should have cash with you, since the canteen unfortunately does not accept bank cards. Adding insult to injury, there are no ATMs at the campus, so you should withdraw money elsewhere in the city. To gauge how much cash to have, a full meal at the canteen costs less than 10€.

There are no other places to have lunch in the campus itself, but walking 10-15 minutes one can reach the shopping Mall "Hubland Center" (Rottendorfer Straße 65-69), which hosts some restaurants, a supermarket, a bakery, etc. Some of them may accept bank cards


The easiest ways to reach Würzburg are (see here and here for further information):

For general information about Würzburg, see

Reaching the campus by public transport from the city centre or surrounding neighbourhoods takes at least 20-25 minutes. The most convenient options are:

To plan your journey more precisely, please check

IMPORTANT: if you buy a ticket on the bus you can only pay with cash. In order to buy (bundles of) tickets by bank card (or just to avoid doing it on the bus - the driver will probably not speak English), you need to use the automated machines present at every tram station (but not at bus stations). Adding insult to injury, there are no tram stations at the campus, therefore you can buy tickets in advance only elsewhere in the city.  Alternatively, you can buy a digital ticket via the app FAIRTIQ (the information are unfortunately available only in German).

Notice that tickets have to be validated on the bus! The current prices (for busses and trams) are:

If you have the Deutschlandticket (49€/month) there is no need to buy additional tickets


Invited (plenary) speakers will be reserved a room at Hotel Strauss (in the city center, about 10 minutes walking from the station). All other participants (including the speakers giving contributed/gong talks) should book accommodation on their own.