In The Classroom

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These students are learning how to spot misinformation


PBS NewsHour Classroom lesson: An experiment in misinformation

PBS NewsHour Extra Classroom Video Collection


Checkology - “All-in-one solution for teaching and testing their students on news literacy in the modern media landscape.”

Interland - Online adventure that puts the key lessons of digital safety into hands-on practice with four challenging games”

Fakey - “Game aims to teach media literacy and study how people interact with misinformation”

Ruff Rufman - “Web-based series of videos and quizzes aimed at improving media literacy” (elem cartoony)

Polititruth - “Fake news quiz game that challenges players to distinguish political fact from fiction”

BBC iReporter - “Puts users in the shoes of a reporter, will make users think about the challenges of fact-checking in the speed-obsessed media landscape”

Informable app - “Mobile application created by the News Literacy Project that presents users with games that help them work on their media literacy”

Bad News - “Online game that allows users to play the role of fake news creator/spreader that allows users to understand what goes through the heads of those who create fake news”

NewFeed Defenders - “Game app developed by iCivics that puts users in a fictional social media app called Newsably and tasks users with growing the site, but a critical component is spotting and eliminating “fake news””

 Interactive Media Bias Chart®   Ad Fontes’ Media Bias Chart rates media sources in terms of political bias and reliability

Can you spot the fake new story? 

Find the Fake  "Can you find the fake online? Select an age-appropriate quiz to play as a family (parents versus children) to learn and test your knowledge on what fake news, disinformation and misinformation is and how to stop it from spreading."

Fact-Checking Sites:
