510B - Flip Basics

Flip Basics

Session Description: Flip is a powerful tool that you can use to increase student engagement, collaboration, and communication in the classroom. Use Flip to engage students, provide feedback and evaluation, and promote peer-to-peer interaction. Flip can be used to provide students with an interactive and engaging learning experience where they record short video responses to prompts and assignments and share their thoughts and ideas with their classmates. Join us to learn how to effectively use Flip to enhance student learning.  

This session is for teachers at ALL technology comfort levels. 

As a result of this session teachers will:

Applicable ISTE Standards for Educators (2017)*: 2.1.a; 2.1.b; 2.2.c

* The text of these standards is copyrighted. Please read the full text at the ISTE Standards page.

Download session slides here.


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