This is no more so the case than with its currency. Officially, US$1 is currently AR$5.29 and 1 is AR$8.10, but this does not reflect the true value of the Argentine pesos in the country. Ever since around the middle of 2012, when the government has made it basically impossible for Argentinians to get access to foreign currency (in an attempt to keep money within the country), there has been a parallel market (known as the blue market, and the rate as dolar blue) in operation for buying and selling foreign currency, with a focus on US dollars.

It was in Valdivia, Chile, that we met a couple from the US who convinced us that it was a good idea to take US dollars with us to Argentina when we crossed the boarder to get the dolar blue rate, and we were so glad we did, as because of this, we ended up spending almost half what we had spent on our first period of travel in Argentina, though we also saved money by couchsurfing and travelling overnight a few times.

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Although I (Sam) did not cross any boarder between periods 3 and 4 (Zab did go to Uruguay overnight just before, where he withdrew yet more dollars to get the dolar blue rate), I have separated this period out from that which was spent entirely in Buenos Aires because we were travelling around the country rather than being stationary in an apartment the whole time. It's therefore no surprise that our spending was slightly higher during this time, considering as well that we took an unexpected flight from Buenos Aires to Crdoba due to a nationwide bus strike.

The Australian dollar was introduced as a decimal currency on 14 February 1966 to replace the non-decimal Australian pound, with the conversion rate of two dollars to the pound (A1 = A$2). It is subdivided into 100 cents. The $ symbol precedes the amount. On the introduction of the currency, the $ symbol was intended to have two strokes, but the version with one stroke has also always been acceptable.[8][9]

In 1902, a select committee of the House of Representatives, chaired by George Edwards, had recommended that Australia adopt a single, national decimal currency, with a pound divided into ten florins and each florin comprising 100 cents.[15] However, the recommendation was not acted upon.

The Australian pound (A) was introduced in 1910, at par with the pound sterling (A1 = UK1). Like the UK pound, it was divided into 240 pence, or 20 shillings (each comprising 12 pence). In December 1931, the Australian currency was devalued by 25%, so that one pound five shillings Australian was equivalent to one pound sterling.[16]

In 1937, a banking royal commission,[note 1] appointed by the Lyons government, recommended that Australia adopt "a system of decimal coinage ... based upon the division of the Australian pound into 1000 parts".[17] This recommendation was not accepted either.

The pound was replaced by the dollar on 14 February 1966[20] with the conversion rate of A$2 = A1. For example, a pre-decimal amount of nine pounds, sixteen shillings and sixpence (9 16s 6d) became $19.65 in terms of dollars and cents. Since Australia was still part of the fixed-exchange sterling area, the exchange rate was fixed to the pound sterling at a rate of A$1 = 8s sterling (or 1 stg = A$2.50, and in turn 1 stg = US$2.80). In 1967, Australia effectively left the sterling area when the pound sterling was devalued against the US dollar from US$2.80 to US$2.40, but the Australian dollar chose to retain its peg to the US dollar at A$1 = US$1.12 (hence appreciating in value versus sterling).

The first paper issues of the Australian dollar were issued in 1966. The $1, $2, $10 and $20 notes had exact equivalents in the former pound notes. The $5 note was issued in 1967, the $50 was issued in 1973 and the $100 was issued in 1984.[23]

Prior to 1983, Australia maintained a fixed exchange rate. The Australian pound was initially at par from 1910 with the British pound or A1 = UK1; from 1931 it was devalued to A1 = UK0.8 or 16 shillings sterling. This reflected its historical ties as well as a view about the stability in value of the British pound.

From 1946 to 1971, Australia maintained a peg under the Bretton Woods system, a fixed exchange rate system that pegged the U.S. dollar to gold, but the Australian dollar was effectively pegged to sterling until 1967 at UK1 = A1.25 = A$2.50 = US$2.80. In 1967 Australia did not follow the pound sterling devaluation and remained fixed to the U.S. dollar at A$1 = US$1.12.

In 2016, the Australian dollar was the fifth most traded currency in world foreign exchange markets, accounting for 6.9% of the world's daily share (down from 8.6% in 2013)[57] behind the United States dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen and the pound sterling.

Currencies used in different countries are rarely, if ever, exactly equal in value. As a result, exchange rates (the rate at which a currency is exchanged for another) exist to enable the equal exchange of currencies. Real-time exchange rates are supplied by the foreign exchange market (forex), the same place where most currency transactions take place. The forex is a global, decentralized, over-the-counter market for the trading of currencies. Each day, trillions of dollars (US) worth of currency are traded. The market functions at high speeds, with exchange rates changing every second. The most common forex transactions are exchanges between the U.S. dollar and European euro, the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen, and the U.S. dollar to the British pound Sterling.

A forex quote always consists of two currencies, a base currency and a quote currency, sometimes called the counter currency. The most common base currencies are EUR (European Union euros), GBP (British pounds), AUD (Australian dollars), and USD (U.S. dollars). The following is an example of a forex quote:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the body responsible for monitoring the international monetary system, recognizes eight major reserve currencies: the Australian dollar, the British pound sterling, the Canadian dollar, the Chinese renminbi, the euro, the Japanese yen, the Swiss franc, and the U.S. dollar. The U.S. dollar is the most commonly held, making up 59 percent of global foreign exchange reserves.

Kendati demikian, pound sterling mampu menguat tipis setelah rilis data ekonomi tersebut, dengan mencatatkan nilai tukar terhadap euro ke 1,1449 yang dibuka di 1,1417. Sementara terhadap dolar AS, pound sterling melonjak 0,77% menjadi 1,4258 per dolar AS setelah dibuka di level 1,4150 per dolar AS.

BBC Trke'nin haberine gre, ngiliz sterlini bir sredir dolarn direnci karsnda bask altndayd. Asya borsalarnda euro da dolar karsnda son 20 yln en dk seviyesine geriledi.

Mali piyasalar alrken yatrmclar sterlinin nasl bir ivme izleyeceini yakndan takip ediyor olacak.Yatrm firmas Wealthi'den Peter Escho ''Btn kurlar ABD dolar karsnda sata karlyor, bu da dolar daha gl bir konuma getiriyor. Ancak sterlinin durumunda yeni hkmetin vergi kesintilerine gitmesinin enflasyonu ykseltecei endiesi de etkili oldu,'' deerlendirmesinde bulundu. Esho szlerine yle devam etti: ff782bc1db

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