Call for Papers

Structural Development Macroeconomics can be understood as an approach to the deep determinants of economic development in which the macroeconomic policy regime has a crucial role in explaining international growth rate differences, notably among middle-income countries. It strongly relies on a multidisciplinary but rigorous assessment of the subject, combining some of the main elements of classical development and demand-led growth theories. The idea is to provide a unifying view of development processes from a macro and dynamic perspective.

Recently, economic theory has witnessed a critical shift in its methodology due to the challenges presented in the aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis and the need to design sustainable development policies that are innovative, socially inclusive, and environmentally friendly. Certainly, Structural Development Macroeconomics can provide substantial advancements in understanding the world and facing such troubles. However, the task in front of us requires an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, it should lead to a cross-fertilisation of fields, tools, and narratives. 

Main Topics of the Workshop

Sustainable Development

Innovation and Technological change

Ecological Transition and Structural Change

Growth and Distribution in Demand-led Economies

Development, Infrastructure and Convergence Clubs

Financial Fragility and Business Cycles

Stock-Flow Consistent Models (SFCs)

Heterogeneous Agents + Agent Based Models (HAMs + ABMs)

Monetary Policy, Exchange rates, and Public Debt

Key Dates and Proposal Guidelines

IMPORTANT: Keynote lectures and some special sessions will be in person, while all parallel sessions will happen both in person and virtually.

Deadline for proposals for papers to be presented: April 30, 2024

Decision on papers to be included in the program: May 06, 2024

Expanded Abstract of maximum 1000 words. Identify the question or issue you will address in the paper. Explain the approach you will use to address the issue of interest.

Send your Expanded Abstract as a PDF file to

Publication opportunities

Práticas de Administração Pública, Revista de Economia e História Econômica and PSL Quarterly Review will publish a selection of papers presented at the workshop.

The scientific committee in charge of the special issue is composed of the following: