2024 Fourth in Fredericksburg
Arts & Crafts Show
Downtown Fredericksburg, VA
2024 Fourth in Fredericksburg Arts & Crafts Show will be held on Thursday, July 4th.
This annual outdoor festival is held rain or shine from 10 AM to 4 PM, with additional activities scheduled throughout the day for the community to celebrate America's birthday.
The festival area will also host food and drink vendors, music, and entertainment activities to draw people to the Arts & Crafts Show. The estimated crowd is typically about 10,000 people.
The cost for space at the Show is $100 for a single space (10’ deep x 10’ wide), $160 for a double space (10’ x 20’), and $205 for a triple space (10’ x 30’). *Register early to take advantage of special "early-bird" pricing and save.*
You must provide your own booth setup (i.e., table(s), chair(s), canopy, and weights to hold the canopy in place). Spaces are assigned and distributed in June.
Direct sales vendors, such as Tupperware or MaryKay, etc, are welcome. However, as this event is an arts & crafts show, we limit the number of direct sales vendors to one per company.
If you have any questions, please email 4thFXBGcraftshow@gmail.com.
Arts & Crafts Show Schedule
6:30 - 9:30 AM
Vendor Check-in & Booth Set Up
All booths must be set up by 9:45 AM.
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Arts & Crafts Show Open to Public
4:00 - 6:00 PM
Vendor Booth Breakdown and Pack Out