Oral Health

The Effect Of Coffee On Teeth

Coffee is one of the most favourite drinks globally, next to water and tea. For most people, coffee is what keeps them going in a day. Do you know that your love for coffee may be harming your tooth? Making some tweaks to your coffee routine can help you prevent its impact on your precious teeth.

Damages Caused By Coffee

Stains on teeth

Frequent consumption of coffee can create a yellow hue on your teeth. Coffee contains a chemical called tannin that breaks down in water and sticks to your teeth. Tannin can accumulate on your teeth’ crests and holes over time and discolour the teeth. Proper brushing and whitening strips can reduce the tannin staining.


Except for water, all the other liquids create acids in your mouth and facilitate harmful bacteria’s growth. The bacteria will erode the protective enamel layer and create tooth cavities. Instead of sipping coffee all day long, designate only a few minutes to swallow down that beverage.

Jaw clenching

The caffeine in the coffee can have adverse effects on your sleep schedule. It can stimulate your jaw muscles and make you clench your teeth at night. Clenching leads to the wear of jaw muscles and causes inflammation. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages at least four hours before your bedtime.

Dry mouth

Even though coffee is a liquid, it reduces the amount of saliva in your mouth and makes it dry. Saliva plays a crucial role in washing down the scraps from your mouth. The lack of saliva increases bacteria’s growth and leads to dental problems. Rinse your mouth after drinking coffee to remove the caffeine and increase saliva production.

Bad breath

The reduction in saliva and bacteria presence can cause a bad breath after drinking coffee. You can chew a sugarfree gum after coffee to remove the odour from coffee. Drinking water infused with fruit or lemon juice can reduce dryness and keeps the smell at bay. Substitute sugar in your coffee with a healthy replacement and reduce milk. Apple can induce more saliva production. So eating an apple after coffee can help neutralise the consequences of coffee. Chewing a piece of clove or ginger can freshen the breath. Consume a spoon of curd to replace the harmful bacteria with good bacteria.

Prevention Measures To Preserve Dental Health

You cannot avoid coffee but can develop additional steps to diminish the effect. Drinking coffee at particular times in entirety can further reduce the stains. Use a straw to sip the coffee and reduce its contact with your teeth. Brush your teeth after drinking coffee if possible, to remove unwanted tannins in your mouth. Eating fruits after coffee can help if you cannot brush right away. Maintain good dental hygiene by brushing, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash twice daily. Your dentist can remove tartar buildup during regular dental visits to lessen the stain. You can brighten your smile with the use of whitening gels or strips. If that does not help, you can schedule a whitening session with your dentist to polish your teeth.

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