I've been trying to test the offline editing capabilities of collector but I can't get the map to download to my devices. I've created a very simple map on ArcGIS Online with one point shapefile which I've uploaded and created a feature service of. Both the feature service and map are enabled for offiline editing and I get the download icon for the map to appear when I open up Collector. I can go through the process of selecting the area I'm intersted in and setting the map scale. Once I hit download it processes anywhere from 20%-50% and then I get this error "The map failed to download The map 'xxxxx' failed to download with the message:" (there is no message).

Did you try it again today? I've been experiencing some similar issues. For instance, yesterday when I tried to download on both an android and ios device, i would get errors during download. I tried this morning, and it worked. Not sure what the reason being is. Make sure your feature layer has editing set to Add, update, and delete features, and enable sync.

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While I don't have an answer to the OP's issue, I will chime in and say we've noticed the same thing in the Atlanta area running over AT&T's LTE network over the past 3 days. It is hard to diagnose because we can run the same map in the connected mode and it works just fine, but if we switch to off-line editing and try to download we'll occasionally get the 'map failed to download' error. Not every time, but enough to make us question the reliability of the process.

Also fails - a shapefile imported into 10.1 Enterprise database in a 10.2.2 client. Creating the layer directly seems to only way

I also am having many issues with maps failing to download. I am using server 10.2.2, and even creating a feature class and copying/pasting data in, enabling archiving, adding globalIDs, and sharing it properly, it will fail.

The map on AGOL say's it's available for offline use, I can click start to download it on the Android 10.2.3 collector app, but it always comes up with the "failed to download, error message: no error message." When I remove that layer, I can download and sync with 

other layers.

Make sure your data model is not using and SQL reserved words or Geodatabase reserved words. This can cause a download failure. If possible try creating a replica from the feature service as well to see if that works.

Nothing changed on our servers overnight, no updates to any of the services, c'mon ESRI!

If you still have the map and service causing issues with the editing can you share them to a group and invite Collector4ArcGIS into that group? Make sure you are not using Editor Tracking and Ownership controls on a hosted service. This is not supported in the apps and could cause some issues. How is it not downloading? Are you not seeing the download button or are you getting an error message back when a download fails? If you are getting an error message back what is it.

Map Download Failed

Unable to download the map.

The operation couldn't be completed. Failed to create replica.

Failed to create replica.

We are also unable to download to our iPAD. A replica can be built with the REST endpoint manually but fails on the iPAD.

I tried the uninstall and reinstall of Collector with no impact...

The error message you are seeing is coming from the service when we are trying to generate the replica. Installing the app won't solve this issue. Are you using any layers that have been copied in the web map? I cannot access that link because it is inside your org and your org does not allow anonymous access.


I removed the layer and re-added it in and it still has that error.

Russ - Thank you for your reply. 

Sorry but I can't expose the data externally.

For simplicity there is only one business layer added for this try.

We enabled the sync and archive. The projection is 26915 not Webmercator as some other comments

suggested, is there a sensitivity to projections? We try basically the same with the end point

and it creates a replica just fine. Do you believe there is a log or some time-out issue happening.

As far as differences between WiFi and Cell, I tried both independently with same result.

Additional info from server manager log.

Can any of these errors explain the download replica issue even if manually it creates OK?

Correction - I got one of the services to work. The services that were working yesterday and are not working in a connected mode are still giving the error in the screen shot.

Can you enable debug logging on the server and send me the logs when you try to add the feature?



Bad news.... came in this morning and what was working yesterday when I left is now giving the same error as the other services.

One thought, I set all new services to a minimum pooling of '0' to reduce unneccessary load on the server. Could that be interefering somehow? That's the only thing that I can think of. Russ, I'll send you the logs soon.

If you're feature service is pointing to your organizations ArcGIS server, updating the service url might help. I've found that when I share a service with arcgis online the service url references our internal network address. I was able to correct the download issue by changing the service location URL to our public facing address.

I'm getting the same error message when attempting to download a map with one simple point feature service published from ArcGIS Server 10.2.2 on Amazon EC2. I've used this thread as a resource and addressed all suggested solutions including: changing a field name that had a SQL reserved word in it; creating the feature class in 10.2 and importing schema and data from the original feature class; and adding the item in AGOL using the service's public URL. I have configured the data according to the information provided here, and all programs/applications are up-to-date. I'm using Collector on a Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 4.3. The "Download" option is present when accessing the web map via Collector, which makes me think the data are configured correctly, but when I begin the download the status bar only gets to approximately 25% before I get the error message that started this string. Any more ideas?

Do you have any other layers in the web map besides the AGOL basemap and a feature service with sync enabled? Do you have any copied layers in the web map? Do you have debug logs enabled on your server and do you see what the error message is when the download fails on the server?

It seemed pretty consistent that even though the DATASET was not versioned, everytime we performed the RPC process on the DATABASE as a whole, the collector would lose the ability to edit while in a connected mode. It would throw a bunch of database errors in the logs and essentially not work unless the feature class and feature service were recreated. This also seems to have resolved the problem in another post where editor tracking was not working in the collector, even with version 10.2.3 installed on the device.

Could you help us understand the issue you are running into a bit more with two requests? The first being what steps does your RPC process involve, and secondly what database errors are returned in the log?

Not working again - same error as above. I cannot find any related errors in the DBMS logs either.

Similar to Luke's issue, I am seeing some very unstable behavior when editing a AWS-hosted feature service. In my case, I was suddenly able to make one initial edit to my point feature service before subsequent edit attempts would not be applied to the features as they appear in AGOL (desktop and mobile) nor in the source feature class (SQL EGDB on Amazon EC2). Thinking the problem could be related to Editor Tracking, I turned that capability off (last Friday, 6/20) and was able to make unlimited edits that were applied to the source data. Now on Monday, after having made no changes to the source data or feature service, we are only able to make one initial edit and then subsequent edits are not applied. I am not attempting offline edits in this case.

"Unable to complete operation.

Failed to create table descriptions from input. ObjectID-based attachments are not supported."


For that error, you need to re-create the attachments using GLOBALID as the key field in order to use that functionality in offline editing.

Yes. I have resolved that issue. I am now able to create a replica through the REST API with downloading attachments. Still can't download or add attachments in app.

I had an offline area in field maps using the map server and removed it this morning so I could add one column to my table. When I redownloaded the offline area it failed to download. Sometimes I can download the map using the basemap and sometimes I can't and I don't know why it isn't working.

Here's what happens. I start to download it. It begins, and downloads a certain amount (sometimes a few MG, sometimes a few dozen MG) and then it always stops, "Failed - network error." I click on it to resume. It starts again. It downloads a few more MG, and then gets stuck again, "Failed- network error." Typically I get to about 200MG doing this.

After TWO HOURS of trying this, and repeatedly clicking "resume" I was eventually able to download a single 500MG file when I got through the whole process without getting the "forbidden" message. My attempts to get another similar size file have so far failed.

This error is definitely caused by a wrong storage password. If it is macOS, you can check what password is stored in KeyChain on machines where the backups are working. It is much harder on Windows, but it is possible.

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