Damage to structures and other objects can take a number of forms, such as fire damage caused by the effects of burning, water damage done by water to materials not resistant to its effects, and radiation damage due to ionizing radiation. Some kinds of damage are specific to vehicles and mechanical or electronic systems, such as foreign object damage caused by the presence of any foreign substance, debris, or article; hydrogen damage due to interactions between metals and hydrogen; and damage mechanics, which includes damage to materials due to cyclic mechanical loads. When an object has been damaged, it may be possible to repair the object, thereby restoring it to its original condition, or to a new condition that allows it to function despite the damage.

Damage to a living organism may be referred to as an injury.[4] The kinds of damage experienced by living things range from microscopic direct DNA damage and cell damage in a biological cell, to damage to larger systems such as nerve damage, brain damage, and articular cartilage damage. Damage to the body on a larger scale is often referred to as trauma. Ageing is accompanied by a loss of ability to recover quickly from various kinds of biological damage. Damage is one of two factors proposed to influence biological ageing[5] (the other being programmed factors follow a biological timetable). Damage-related factors include internal and environmental assaults to living organisms that induce cumulative damage at various levels.[6]

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Damage that occurs as an unintended consequence of an effort to cause intentional damage elsewhere, such as with a military operation, is called collateral damage,[7][8] while damage specifically done to public or private property is called property damage. By extension, damage is also used to describe a degradation in the value of intangible things such as relationships,[9] self-image,[10] reputation,[11] and goodwill.[12][13]

The propensity for damage to occur to physical objects and systems, as well as to intangible characteristics, is built into the prices of goods and services that depend on the supply of these things, particularly as a component of insurance costs.[14] In law, damages are the award, typically of money, to be paid to a person as compensation for loss or injury (i.e., economic or physical damage).[15]

Institutional damage is broadly defined as unintended consequences to an individual resulting from interaction with an institution which has responsibility for his or her care. The individual might be a hospital patient, a child in a school, or a prison inmate. Some forms of institutional damage, such as medical errors and hospital-acquired infection are relatively easily measured; others, such as long-term damage to development and mental health are significantly harder to measure. There is controversy as to whether such damage can be measured and if it actually occurs.

The same expression is also used in the opposite sense, i.e., as damage caused to institutions, as opposed to damage caused to individuals. For example, political exception situations, such as the suspension of political rights for a time, are said to damage democratic institutions. Other examples are vandalism of public buildings, extremely large epidemics that disrupt normal functioning of society's institutions, such as in the case of AIDS in Africa; external military intervention, such as in the invasion of Iraq by the USA and allied nations; and even (paradoxically), external aid to countries which are rich in natural resources but have a poor economy and/or corrupt government (the so-called "resource curse")

The two concepts, damage caused by institutions and damage caused to institutions, are related in many situations. In widespread political trials ("witch hunting") in democratic countries, such as in the famous House Committee on Un-American Activities in the 1940s, damage was said to occur in both directions, i.e., not only the lives, families and professional activities of a number of individuals were wrecked by the public exposure, but also the political institutions of individual rights and freedom in the United States were also similarly damaged by the Committee's activities.

Buildings must comply with flood provisions when the cost of restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.

FEMA developed the tool to assist state and local officials in estimating substantial damage for residential and non-residential structures per the National Flood Insurance Program requirements adopted by the communities. The tool assesses damage caused by flood, wind, wildfire, seismic and other events.

Communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program are required to determine if any damage meets the criteria for Substantial Damage when the damage is to a structure located in a mapped 100-year floodplain.

The tool also determines if a substantially damaged structures in a mapped 100-year floodplains requires additional repairs to meet Substantial Improvement criteria. Improvements may include rehabilitation, remodeling, and lateral or vertical additions.

The purpose of the Damage Prevention grants is to establish comprehensive state programs designed to prevent damage to underground pipelines in states that do not have such programs and to improve damage prevention programs in states that do. States are encouraged to implement the following nine elements of an effective damage prevention program, please click here.

Any state authority (or municipality with respect to intrastate gas transportation) that is or will be responsible for preventing damage to underground pipeline facilities is eligible as long as 1) the state participates in the oversight of pipeline transportation pursuant to an annual 49 U.S.C. 60105 certification or 49 U.S.C. 60106 agreement in effect with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, and 2) is designated by the state's governor, in writing, as the eligible recipient of the grant funding.

PHMSA is authorized to award grants to fund improvements in state damage prevention programs. Section 2 of the PIPES Act added a State Damage Prevention Grant Program to the Federal Pipeline Safety Law as 49 USC 60134.

In partnership with affected state, tribal and federal trustee agencies, the NRDA Restoration Program conducts damage assessment, the first step toward resource restoration, used to provide the basis for determining needs.

In response to the increasing damage and disease threats posed by expanding feral swine populations in the United States, Congress appropriated funds to APHIS in 2014 to create a collaborative, national feral swine damage management program. Congress continues to allocate funds annually to support the program.

The overarching goal of the National Feral Swine Damage Management Program is to protect agricultural and natural resources, property, animal health, and human health and safety by managing damage caused by feral swine in the United States and its Territories. To accomplish this goal, APHIS is working in cooperation with States, Tribes, other Federal agencies, universities, organizations, the public, and other stakeholders. APHIS also collaborates with Canada and Mexico to support border activities and facilitate an informational exchange on feral swine disease monitoring and control activities.

While the specific roles of external APHIS partner groups vary from project to project and evolve over time, within APHIS there are five units that are involved in implementing feral swine damage management activities.

Wildlife Services (WS) is the lead organization within APHIS to manage the wide array of wildlife damage issues that impact agriculture (plant and animal), natural resources, property, and human health and safety. WS personnel have extensive experience working with feral swine, including control practices, research to develop damage mitigation measures, and monitoring techniques to assess disease risk.

International Services (IS) is the international arm of APHIS. Their experience and capacity to address cross border issues related to foreign animal disease threats to domestic animals is essential in working with Canada and Mexico on the integration and education of feral swine damage mitigation management actions in the representative countries.

Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA) is the primary APHIS unit responsible for outreach and communication regarding feral swine damage management issues. They have extensive experience developing effective communications and outreach materials for a large number of partner and stakeholder groups, along with members of the general public.

The Vienna Convention on Civil Liability aims at harmonizing the national law of the Contracting Parties by establishing some minimum standards to provide financial protection against damage resulting from certain peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The Convention is designed to ensure that all Contracting Parties have laws and regulations in place conforming to the legal regime for civil liability for nuclear damage provided for in the Convention. The legal regime provided for in the Convention is based on the following general principles:

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can damage the heart even without directly infecting the heart tissue, a National Institutes of Health-supported study has found. The research, published in the journal Circulation, specifically looked at damage to the hearts of people with SARS-CoV2-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a serious lung condition that can be fatal. But researchers said the findings could have relevance to organs beyond the heart and also to viruses other than SARS-CoV-2.

EPA completed a damage case report (pdf) to improve our understanding of how the drum reconditioner industry operates and to document damage case incidents at these facilities that have caused damage to human health and the environment. This report serves to inform domestic policymakers, enforcement officials, and the public about the regulatory and waste issues surrounding drum reconditioning facilities. EPA is planning to engage interested entities on possible approaches to addressing and mitigating these issues. 0852c4b9a8

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