
Welcome to 49days.co.uk, a site about my experiences with Lucid Dreams over the past 30 years. Lucid dreams are fantastic experiences we can all have. They are so fantastic that they have led me to question reality itself.

I haven't done anything with these web pages since 2014 so they are currently being updated. Some pages have been temporary removed for updating and some links may not work.

Look in 'Lucid Dreams' where I describe how dream masks and 'MILD' helped me develop my own lucid dreaming from 1990-2008. I'm not one of the lucky individuals who can lucid dream most nights or even very often. For me it's been a long persistent road but I was blown away with the success I had with using supplements to induce lucid dreams which I cover in my Dreamamins page. Supplements are also great for giving lucid dreams that seem like out of body experiences and also 'Visitor' experiences. My particular visitors seem to be small, large eyed and toothy and more on this interesting type of lucid dream/dream paralysis can be found on my Aliens, Goblins and Visitors page.

'My Archaic Revival' is the mad stuff at the edges of science. Read with an open mind and hopefully see how they relate to lucid dreaming. Why 49days? Read about the inspiration for the web site name.

Always pleased to hear from other dreamers so feel free to get in touch using steve@49days.co.uk