British standards for sex dolls

The British Standards Institution has declared that sex dolls are safe to use in private, but not for public places such as brothels. The body said it gave the dolls a kitemark after testing them against “stringent criteria” including their size and weight. The products do not need a CE mark, which is mandatory for selling medical and beauty products in the EU. A kitemark means the dolls are “safe for private use” but not for public places such as brothels

Life-size dolls that come with 18 interchangeable faces have been declared safe by the British Standards Institution, which gave them a kitemark.

The kitemark means that the doll has passed the British Standard Institute's tests for electrical safety, fire resistance and flammability. But it does not mean the doll is safe for use anywhere else in the world—or even legal in some countries where it could be considered obscene or indecent.

The dolls do not require a CE mark, which is mandatory for selling medical and beauty products in the EU.

You may have heard that the dolls are required to have a CE mark, which is mandatory for selling medical and beauty products in the EU. This is not true. The CE mark is only required for selling medical and beauty products, such as breast implants or sex toys. The dolls do not fall into either of these categories; they are therefore not subject to this requirement.

In fact, there was recently a case where someone tried to sell a doll that was certified safe with a CE mark—but it turned out that they were just trying to scam people. So while the government may be looking into regulating love doll more closely because of safety concerns, if you buy one it won't come with any official stamp calling it "safe."

The kitemark means the dolls are “safe for private use”, but not for public places such as brothels.

Brothels are not allowed to keep dolls, and they're not allowed in public places either.

There are also limits on the size of the breasts and hips.

The sizes are measured in centimetres. For example, if a anime sex doll has a bust of 60cm or less, it's suitable for private use.

However, if the breast size is more than this limit, you won't be able to safely keep it in your home!

Kitemarks are voluntary, but help reassure customers about the quality and safety of products such as toys and electricals.

They're a mark of quality, and help reassure customers about the safety and quality of products such as toys and electricals. They also help companies know that their products are safe to use, and can reassure government agencies too. But perhaps most importantly, kitemarks help consumers know that when they buy a product with a kitemark it's been independently tested to meet rigorous standards for safety.

There is no reason that dolls can't be safe to use, but they do need to be controlled. Dolls are not suitable for public places and are especially not suitable for children or the elderly. They should also not be used by people with disabilities as they may acquire a harmful posture. The most important rule of all when dealing with sex dolls is that you must never leave them unattended in any way shape or form.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand how to safely use a mini sex doll. It is important to remember that these dolls are not toys, and should always be treated with respect. If you are considering buying one then we would always recommend speaking to an expert first so they can advise on what size doll would be best suited for your needs as well as other safety considerations such as where it will be stored when not in use!