This song of praise, originally sung by David is probably one of his most intense times of worship that we know of (2 Samuel 6; I Chron 15/16; see 16:34), and it is used multiple times in scripture. The context of each time is significant:

I just pulled out Logos4 and did some word studies. It looks to me like "high praise" in Ps 149:6 (and Ps.66:7), probably refers to lifting God up in praise. Whether the loudness of the praise is in view here, is hard to say. The fact that the word is not used very often, doesn't help us draw any conclusions about what the "high" in "high praise" actually refers to. Too bad.

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On the other hand, you have come to the right conclusion about loudness of volume, exhuberance, etc., being an important part of Hebrew worship. Ps.100 begins with "Shout for joy!" (traditionally softened to "Make a joyful noise").

This makes us uncomfortable because in our worship tradition we tend to emphasize the "Be still and know..." (Ps.46:10), and "let all the earth be silent" (Hab.2:20) kind of worship. We even tend to see quiet worship as more respectful, even more authentic. We also tend to view exhuberant worship as mere emotionalism, undignfied and even (for some in our tradition) improper before a holy God.

This is clearly out of tune with what we see in the Bible. We have something we call the "regulative principle" for worship, that says we should only worship God as He has told us to worship Him. In principle it's not that bad, in practice, we use it to exclude forms of worship that are Biblical! (We're sort of funny that way.)

I like quiet, meditative worship, and feel very 'at home' there, and for me it's a very intimate kind of worship. But to say that all worship/praise must be quiet is to try to use the same crayon for the whole picture. The Bible evidences a range of expression, of emotion, of activity, of words, of types of praise that encompasses the entire range of the human psyche. Our worship experience at church should reflect all of that Biblical experience (except the temple sacrifices and stuff, of course!).

there's a time for each - quiet, meditative worship, and loud, exuberant worship, and every level on the continuum between the 2... it's like you said, we/crc seem to hang out on the quieter end, other than maybe when we hear the organ =)

Yesterday at church during worship, I felt the urge to give a shout when we were singing a line about Christ's victory over death. I am a person of few words who prefers to stay in the background, so I know it was the Holy Spirit encouraging me to shout out in worship. When I did, a few others joined in. It helped that the worship leader encouraged the congregation to worship in whatever way we felt led to. This is a pretty conservative bunch (Evangelical Free Church), so I am encouraged that God is definitely up to something good in our body.

I ran across your thread from a random google search. It's been here quite a while and I'm wondering if your interest is still strong concerning 'high' praise. If so please comment as I may be of use to you. In the meantime please read Hebrews 12 22-24 and note that it is written in the present, not past, tense. I'll keep an eye out for any reply.

Thanks for responding David, I would be interested in your insights and thoughts... Hebr 12 is a key chapter that God has made living and active for me regarding various matters, so appreciate your insights on the present tense of our worship...

I continue to grow in understanding and expressing "high praise" along with the many physical expressions of praise based on the Hebrew words used... the "high" praise is a concept that has not been a part of my tradition's language regarding worship...

This is so surreal reading through the comments and realising I am here in 2022 3.30am being directed by the holy spirit to read Ps 149 and further nudged to unpack what "high praise" means! And this is the first link I clicked into out of the several... So glad I obeyed and so at peace to know God still speaks and his word is alive and active and so should our praise!

Bless you heart Adebola! what a beautiful & powerful confirmation for high praise... may you find opportunities & safe places to worship Him with all your heart, soul, mind & strength... I was able to experience high praise this past weekend as I drove over rugged mountain passes, turned up the tunes & worshipped & wept as I had the car to myself for 5 hours with a safe & solitary place to express intense worship & love of our Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, our glorious Savior & Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit in me... after several hours of intense worship through incredible scenery, the grand finale was as I was driving up along the Columbia River up into the hills of Chelan, WA , driving into a gorgeous sunset as this song was playing - this music is so beautiful/powerful even if the words are in Latin... I'm weeping again even as I remember it... filling the universe with wonder & glory... (306) Christopher Tin - Sogno di Volare ("The Dream of Flight") (Civilization VI Main Theme) - YouTube

It looks like a progressive move to me. We don't seem to be able to always 'make melody' but we can at least start with speaking to ourselves in psalms and that is an important and good place to start when the world (or the adversary) distracts us or resists our praise.

I have much to say on this subject. To start I want to note I was never into high worship and honestly even if I knew the phrase I assumed it was just louder more intense worship. I would sing when I was alone but that was about it sure there was that flow but I had no idea just how much I was missing out both in this and in my relationship with him in general.. I cannot go into great detail right now as it would take a long time to write but my life from my birth has been nothing but how life seems to love to show how unfair cruel and reasonable it can be seemingly for no reason. The scars and inner wounds that have dug into my heart as thorns piercing and making it bleed this is how I felt and even now it is not really gone.

Lets just say the next morning after I broke down and begged him to come into my heart just so I could not be alone anymore well I require a lot of coffee to wake up in the morning pr at the very least it has to be pretty strong. Well I woke up that morning instantly filled with life itself you might not see it but it was as if an electric current was flowing through me in the form of fire and I would not be surprised at all if it was not just inside me but all around me I did my first true act of high worship and in my joy leaped out of bed and danced for him thanking and praising him.

This was just how I expressed everything to him on that day and again without knowing it a high form of worship. He was always more to me than salvation, more thana savior more than my king and Lord it was always him that my hearts eyes saw even in the worst time even when I felt dead inside it was always him just him.

Now I have had this done before nothing happens but I am still always open to it so suddenly the actual power of God slammed me I was so amazed so bewildered so in awe that I was just stunned and could only just sit there smiling the biggest smile like an idiot I would love to see wgat my face looked like oh man... but that day I didn't know it yet but that was the start of a journey with him that I had been waiting for from the start When we began this journey together we did so with a sworn oath to each other betrothed from the beginning I made it clear to him I intended to go all in I wanted something more with him more than faith more than salvation more than love it is difficult to explain it is like such a deep level of intimacy closeness unity with him that it requires a new word to express but then waiting and seeking searchidng ti jbiw ecery thing I could of him doing whatever it took to deepend the love and bond between us but never able to really get there. But after my third attempt of suicide as life actually much more brutal after that my health becoming so bad with little to no help having to call 911 to go to the hospitalmany times so weak that I mostly lived in my bed but after the third attempted I was back home listening to worship music just being with him and I starting sining but my heart at that time was just expressing my affection for him we were really just talking and being together when I just started singing.

It started at first as normal but then something happened I felt a change in me uddenly I felt a barrier I suddenly as is given sight saw a barrier of praise. Though my heart was in it the singing I was given was only the beginning I knew he wanted me to get passed this barrier to reach something hidden something new

I was worshipping him and praising him with my entire being with every cell in my body every essence of my being. The holy joy and life that comes with such worship how suddenly the kingdom makes sense how suddenly you realize this is the key to opening the gates of heaven you see there is a whole other level with him that we are unaware of.

I apologize for the long post but I just felt all this needed to be said I could if I was able go on and on boasting and expressing the absolute joy wonders life power that comes with such worship the very presence of God himself filled my room at least four times and that I won't even comment on as his presence requires a whole other post to even begin to explain but lets just say we are to chase after it for a reason

Bless you Blain, what beauty from ashes... thanks for sharing your powerful journey & experiences of high praise, even though some of what you share is also very painful... I pray you will continue to find deep healing as you continue to seek God's face/heart in worship & prayer...

You are a precious & priceless child of the Most High God, you are a new creation in Christ & a temple of His Holy Spirit... may many more encounter God in these life changing ways, giving Him the glory & praise, as He is worthy... 006ab0faaa

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