
There are 6 comprehension checkpoints for this session:

  1. Introduce yourself in the chat area when the room is opened or within the first 10 minutes after the start of the webinar. Please include more than just "hello". Tell us who you are, where you are from, what you teach and how familiar you are with OK2Ask sessions.

  2. Schema Activator Poll (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

  3. Email Mind Map Image: Create a "trip destination" mind map using (

  4. Email Link: Using, write about your educational field trip (

  5. Google Form: Complete the Digital Writing Classroom Integration Plan form.

  6. Poll & Go as the webinar ends (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

Additionally, you must complete the session feedback survey after the webinar is over.

Activity 1: Organization


  • Organization Focus: Write about an educational field trip you would plan for your class.

  • ACME Educational Enterprises is offering you unlimited funds and resources!

  • Navigate to

  • Center Square - Field Trip Destination

  • Add Arrows to TWO separate items connected to activities for the trip.

  • One each with an activity to do on the trip.

  • Download an image of the map.

  • Email the image to

  • Include your First Name Last Name in the subject line of the email

  • Fast Finishers: Find a video and a copyright-free image connected to your trip.

Activity 2: Writing


  • Navigate to

  • Write a minimum of 5 sentences about where we’re going and what we’re doing on your educational field trip with an unlimited budget and resources from ACME Educational Enterprises.

  • Add 1 YouTube video OR 1 image connected to your trip to your

  • Copy the URL to your

  • Paste the URL in an email.

  • Email to

  • Include your First Name and Last Name in the subject line of the email.

Activity 3: Google Form Integration Plan


  • Complete the required fields in the Google Form.

  • Classroom Integration Plan Google Form:

    1. Last Name

    2. First Name

    3. Email Address

    4. Subject

    5. Goal statement

    6. Writing process focus

    7. Tech tool

    8. How does the tool enhance or support the writing process?