
There are 6 comprehension checkpoints for this session:

  1. Introduce yourself in the chat area when the room is opened or within the first 10 minutes after the start of the webinar. Please include more than just "hello". Tell us who you are, where you are from, what you teach and how familiar you are with OK2Ask sessions.

  2. Schema Activator Poll (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

  3. Padlet Post: How could you use this tool to increase collaboration in your educational setting?

  4. PowerPoint Collaborative Slides: Complete one slide in the deck.

  5. Poll: Create a collaborative word cloud by using one word (or phrase with _ and no spaces). Share how you could use WriteReader with your students. (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

  6. Poll & Go as the webinar ends. (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

Additionally, you must complete the session feedback survey after the webinar is over.