
There are 6 comprehension checkpoints for this session:

  1. Introduce yourself in the chat area when the room is opened or within the first 10 minutes after the start of the webinar. Please include more than just "hello". Tell us who you are, where you are from, what you teach and how familiar you are with OK2Ask sessions.

  2. Schema Activator Poll (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

  3. Collaborative Wakelet: Add a GIPHY to our SEL Check-In Collection

  4. Wakelet: Begin creating your Wakelet collection

  5. Wakelet & Email: Complete your Wakelet collection and email the link

  6. Poll & Go as the webinar ends (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

Additionally, you must complete the session feedback survey after the webinar is over.

Collaborative SEL Check-In Wakelet -

Wakelet Collection Submission -- by the close of Activity 3, participants share the link to their collection via email to

The collection can be a curated set of resources for an upcoming lesson or a collection of places where you would like to vacation. The collection must include:

  • Collection Title

  • Collection Description

  • Text Box -- as annotation, section divider, reflection, or such.

  • Image (Be sure the images are yours to use -- it is best to use one from the Unsplash Library accessible from within Wakelet.)

  • URL Link

  • Video (It is easiest to add a YouTube video. However, you might choose to record a Flipgrid Short within your collection. Either type of video is acceptable.

  • Be sure you have changed the visibility of your collection to Unlisted or Public, then share the collection link via email to (all submissions must be received by the end of day Tuesday, October 26, 2021). Copy the collection link from within the sharing dialog box, not the address bar. The link will look something like this: