
Welcome!!  Please continue to check this Google Site for updated music selections and other important information and announcements.

SCENT-FREE ZONE:  Please be aware that our choir area needs to be a scent-free zone.  Although perfumes and fragrant laundry soaps can smell very nice, they can also trigger serious health reactions in people with asthma, migraines, allergies and scent-sensitivities. 

Please avoid the use of perfumes, colognes, scented hairspray, heavily scented laundry detergents/fabric softeners, and other scented products, as there are choir members who have serious allergies to these products.

Thank you for helping us keep the air we share healthy and fragrance-free!

May 12, 2024

I am planning on updating our photos periodically. I will be taking random photos of the choir BEFORE and AFTER Mass to post to the website. 

I am still waiting on a few Website -Images Permission forms to be filled out by parents.  Here's the easy-peasy short-cut to the form. >>>>>>

WELCOME!! (updated May12, 2024)

Our choir is growing!!!

Andora, Piol, Jullia, Noah, Wren, Ava, Sofia, Livia, Nico, Khalia, Abigail, Brandon, Aniela, Amanda, Amelia, Anastasia

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Choir’s Senior Team!

I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to Piol, Noah, Jullia and Andora for joining me in yesterday’s Lessons & Hymns for Mary. Our music filled the church with such heavenly music, creating a truly moving and beautiful experience for everyone in attendance.

A very special shoutout to Andora, who sang with her usual angelic voice despite undergoing oral surgery just three days before removing all four wisdom teeth! Ouch!! I know you were in so much pain! Your dedication and resilience are truly inspiring.

A huge thank you also goes to Fr. Roy for planning this wonderful event with me. Your vision and guidance made it all possible, and I am so grateful for your partnership and leadership.

Thank you all for your unwavering commitment and for bringing such joy and spirit to our church community. Let's keep the music and laughter going strong!


Thank you to Andora, Jullia and Sofia who joined me for our beautiful Easter Vigil!!!