

>Θ.4/10.A34# "Collection of data logs from various sources along [{K}_designate:Θ.4/10]'s deployments up until their death, as well as other anomalous logs from a source/s I have been unable to identify and designate"























>Θ.4/10.A34# "All collected files show an early 21st century file date. Current data supports the hypothesis that something has separated me from [{K_armor}_designate:MX3.S&R.Θ.4/10]. Curiously, all local files are devoid of any mention of [{event}_designate:"lost war"]. Searches made through the local device's installed browser bring no matching results. Local file dates, and searches made through the local device's installed browser lead me to believe that through an unknown cause, I have been sent to a time that is long before my creation.

I am the anomaly.

This assessment, while absurd, is the only solution to the flood of only early 21st century dates I have received since I lost connection with MX3.S&R.Θ.4/10 and Θ.4/10.

As I seem to be unable to return to my time, I will provide [{human}_designate:reader] with the information necessary to prepare for the "lost war", in hopes that you will fare better then the people of my time were before I lost connection with MX3.S&R.Θ.4/10 and Θ.4/10."