
There are 6 comprehension checkpoints for this session:

  1. Introduce yourself in the chat area when the room is opened or within the first 10 minutes after the start of the webinar. Please include more than just "hello". Tell us who you are, where you are from, what you teach and how familiar you are with OK2Ask sessions.

  2. Schema Activator Poll (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

  3. Poll: Google Docs ENL Scenario (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

  4. Activity 1 - Microsoft Form: Google Jamboard ENL Scenario

  5. Activity 2 - Google Form: Google Tools ENL Instructional Plan

  6. Poll & Go as the webinar ends (Must be completed during the session in the time allotted.)

Additionally, you must complete the session feedback survey after the webinar is over.

Activity 1: Microsoft Form Google Jamboard ENL Scenario


  • Dr. Hall is trying to implement math stations in her classroom during a support time.

  • Her class of 27 students includes 14 children who do not speak English at home and who have varying levels of English proficiency.

  • She is noticing that her students are not completing their assignments.

  • Her students seem to be engaged.

  • However, she is unable to monitor them as she is in a small group providing interventions for her struggling students.

  • State one specific action step to modify Dr. Hall’s next lesson to meet the linguistic needs of such a diverse group of learners using Jamboard.

Microsoft Form:

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Form shared as an announcement.

  2. Complete required fields of the form to assist Dr. Hall with her mathematics instruction.

  3. State one specific action step to modify Dr. Hall’s next lesson to meet the linguistic needs of such a diverse group of learners using Jamboard.

Activity 2: Google Form Google Tools ENL Instructional Plan


  • Based on what you learned in this session, redesign an existing lesson.

  • Which Google App tools could you integrate?

  • How would that help you to better differentiate the experience for ENL students in your classroom?

Google Form:

  1. Navigate to the Google Form shared as an announcement.

  2. Complete required fields of the form to create an instructional plan to support ENL students using Google apps.

  3. Based on what you learned in the session, redesign an existing lesson.

  4. Which Google Tools would you integrate?

  5. How would that tool help you to differentiate the experience for ENL students in your classroom?