I was dealing with this yesterday after an IIS rebuild. It was related to the virtual directory being incorrectly "aliased". The network path was correct, but the alias was wrong which broke the hyperlinks. Here were the setup instructions. "intranet" was written as "forms". Forms was a subfolder of the Intranet directory. So, the instructions were incorrect. Using Intranet as the alias fixed the 404 error. 

When I ls this directory, I see the directories Desktop, Documents, etc. that I can see are in C:\Users\ using the Windows File Explorer. Since this is where the bash program started, I expected this is my home directory, but when I type either cd or cd ~ I am brought to

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which contains my .bashrc, .profile etc. file which I would expect to find in my home directory in a Linux box. Moreover, entering cd ../.. from here I can see the directories bin, etc and so on, again as expected on a Linux box.

WSL has an special type of filesystem named DrvFS that gives you access to the disks used in windows. You can use DrvFS to mount, not only your windows filesystem, but also network disks and other media types.

Restart the domain controller reporting the database corruption in directory services restore mode. (Press F8 while the server is restarting or if this isn't possible open msconfig.exe and choose "Active Directory Repair" in the "boot" options.).

For support professionals preferring to use repadmin.exe, the partial command will be Repadmin /removelingeringobjects. Repldiag.exe provides an advantage over Repadmin.exe in that it can be used to search all directory partitions, on all servers in the forest with a single command.

Check for the existence of and remove conflict objects:

a. Search the relevant directory partitions for CNF-managed objects and the object that the conflict-mangled object conflicted with the following syntax:

In most circumstances the 8333 error will indicate which directory partition(s) should be evaluated for conflict objects. It's recommended that the configuration partition is checked in all instances:

I wanted to find the mysql data directory from command line in windows for use in batch program. I would also like to find mysql data directory from linux command line. Is it possible? or how can we do that?

Btw, when executing which mysql in Linux as you told, you'll not get the installation directory on Linux. You'll only get the binary path, which is /usr/bin on Linux, but you see the mysql installation is using multiple folders to store files.

I'm trying to run an -Out of Box Demo- on my MMWAVEICBOOST + IWR6843ISK-ODS evaluation platform. To do that, I also need to use mmWave Demo Visualizer, and to use that, I need to install TI Cloud Agent. But when I try to install the TI Cloud Agent, I see an error that says it can't find a directory called "C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Texas". There is only "...\Texas Instruments" directory there. I'm using Windows 10.

I cannot help you further as I do not have a windows OS, but I feel that you are having an unusual problem. You probably need to import the certificate from inside the OpenVPN Connect client. If you look how it works for android and iOS in my tutorial, I would assume it should be similar for windows.

This was just a suggestion, i transitioned from Linux to windows due to some issues with my previous laptop and i really wanted to have the same environment as Linux. All am saying is that your readme file is really short on explanation for a complete beginner.

Will be making a readme file from your whole dotfile for Lua and Neovim on windows. Reach out if you would like to have me give you a copy of it.

The location for the data directory for Plex Media Server when running Docker will depend on what you specified when setting up the Docker container. See our normal Docker container documentation on GitHub.

You have to add the folder name after that. For example, here my directory is: C:\Users\FBA\Desktop and the name of the folder I want to delete is This Folder Is Not Getting Deleted. So, the full directory address I need to use in the terminal will be: C:\Users\FBA\Desktop\This Folder Is Not Getting Deleted.

Anyway, after this, I have the directory address. Now I need to use the full command, rd /s "\?\C:\Users\FBA\Desktop\This Folder Is Not Getting Deleted on the terminal and I need to press the Enter key after that.

Should I understand that the web and the windows desktop are specifying the same working directory? (i.e. I can only have 1 working directory that is used by both?) Or is there a different working directory, one for the web, one for the desktop?

The default location for the auto save file should be

C:\Users\ [YOUR USER NAME] \AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\AutoSave\RhinoAutosave.3dm

I would also check for a 3dmbak file in the same directory as the file you were working on. If you have one it may get you close to where you were in the project.

Enable managed domain services for virtual machines and directory-aware applications deployed in Azure with a click of a button. Reduce operational and maintenance costs associated with managing identity infrastructure for your virtual machines and legacy applications.

No. Guest users invited to your Azure AD directory using the Azure AD B2B invite process are synchronized to your Azure AD Domain Services managed domain. However, as passwords for these users aren't stored in your Azure AD directory, Azure AD Domain Services has no way to synchronize NTLM and Kerberos hashes for these users to your managed domain, so they can't sign in or join computers to the managed domain.

Changes made in your Azure AD directory using either the Azure AD UI or PowerShell are automatically synchronized to your managed domain. This synchronization process runs in the background. There's no defined time period for this synchronization to complete all the object changes.

Many Python IDEs automatically detect and activate a virtual environment if one is found in the current project directory. Microsoft Visual Studio Code, for instance, can do this when the Python extension is enabled. Opening a terminal inside Visual Studio Code will automatically activate the selected virtual environment.

Virtual environments are self-contained. When you no longer need the virtual environment, you can just delete its directory. Just make sure you first close any running copies of Python that use the virtual environment.

The most popular and widely used of these projects is virtualenv, which handles creating the directory structure and copying the needed files into a virtual environment. To install virtualenv, just use pip install virtualenv. To create a virtual environment directory with it, type virtualenv /path/to/directory. Activating and deactivating the virtual environment works the same way as it does for virtual environments in Python 3 (see above).

You'll need to close and re-open any command windows that were open before you made these changes, as there's no way to reload environment variables from an active command prompt. If the changes don't take effect after reopening the command window, restart Windows.

When reading files, Windows will return the file from the private folder, or if that does not exist, thereal Windows directory. For example reading C:\Windows\System32 returns the contents of C:\Windows\System32plus the contents of C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\package_name\VFS\SystemX86.

To select a particular version, add a -Version 3.x.y. The output directorymay be changed from ., and the package will be installed into asubdirectory. By default, the subdirectory is named the same as the package,and without the -ExcludeVersion option this name will include the specificversion installed. Inside the subdirectory is a tools directory thatcontains the Python installation:

In general, nuget packages are not upgradeable, and newer versions should beinstalled side-by-side and referenced using the full path. Alternatively,delete the package directory manually and install it again. Many CI systemswill do this automatically if they do not preserve files between builds.

Alongside the tools directory is a build\native directory. Thiscontains a MSBuild properties file python.props that can be used in aC++ project to reference the Python install. Including the settings willautomatically use the headers and import libraries in your build.

Applications written in native code often require some form of scriptinglanguage, and the embedded Python distribution can be used for this purpose. Ingeneral, the majority of the application is in native code, and some part willeither invoke python.exe or directly use python3.dll. For either case,extracting the embedded distribution to a subdirectory of the applicationinstallation is sufficient to provide a loadable Python interpreter.

Including the variable name within percent signs will expand to the existingvalue, allowing you to add your new value at either the start or the end.Modifying PATH by adding the directory containingpython.exe to the start is a common way to ensure the correct versionof Python is launched.

Any commands not found in the .INI file are treated as Windows executablepaths that are absolute or relative to the directory containing the script file.This is a convenience for Windows-only scripts, such as those generated by aninstaller, since the behavior is not compatible with Unix-style shells.These paths may be quoted, and may include multiple arguments, after which thepath to the script and any additional arguments will be appended.

If you cannot use the previous suggestions (for example, you are adistribution that allows people to run python.exe directly), ensurethat the landmark file (Lib\os.py) exists in your install directory.(Note that it will not be detected inside a ZIP file, but a correctly namedZIP file will be detected instead.)

DSquery is a directory service search command-line tool. It can be used with the appropriate parameters to search objects in Active Directory. The following is a list of various parameters that can be used with Dsquery and their purpose. e24fc04721

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