Listening to inspiring songs and music are great ways to inspire a growth mindset in your children or students. When you play songs with encouraging lyrics you can lift up the mood, bring smiles, and increase motivation!

I have a few rock songs in my bag of tricks that kids under 13 go crazy for. Crazy Train is like crack, seriously. Pinball Wizard is great, and it makes them play in B. Eye Of The Tiger is really good for internalizing the beat.

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Why not ask for suggestions from the students? You may get a few totally out-of-reality suggestions, but I bet you'll also get a fair amount that can be worked down to a realistically playable lesson.

It's harder than you might think. I rarely get fruitful answers when I straight up ask students (mostly age 6-13). If my students ever ask for a "Jump" tab I hope someone will have the mercy to shoot me.

Lady Madonna-- I think that's a winner! I've got a few Beatles tunes arranged for kids: Let It Be, Eleanor Rigby, Here Comes the Sun. It's amazing how many Beatles songs have just one or two little twists that make them hard to arrange for kids.

I was thinking about older stuff, but I'm happy to get contemporary suggestions. One kid is crazy for Linkin Park. Frankly most of my students don't seem to be plugged into mainstream modern pop, though I did just get asked about "I Like To Move It Move It" by Will.I.Am, and "Dynamite".

Once admitted to Amherst College, I joined a Facebook group facilitated by the AAS (Amherst Association of Students, better known as our student government) dedicated to students of the Amherst College Class of 2022. The group being extremely active, I actually began interacting with people in my class prior to even being on campus. One of these people was my friend Cece (she's a tour guide - check out her bio here!) Being excited about finally meeting in person, Cece and I took pictures in front of the iconic Amherst College signpost near the entrance of our campus. Decked in Amherst merch from AJ Hastings (hoodies and bucket hats) we documented the beginning of our Amherst journey in pictures. Just behind the sign towards the left is the Octagon, which was built by an architect who believed that octagons were going to be the new architectural fad because of how convenient they were. Needless to say, he was wrong -- but at least Amherst has another cool-looking building! Classes and club meetings often take place in the Octagon.

I took the following picture on campus sometime in September before the leaves started changing colour. As I was heading from Charles Pratt dormitory towards the Science Centre, I noticed that the landscape was honestly breathtaking. The gray buildings towards the left are the upperclassmen dorms King and Wieland, which are designed to be for senior students writing theses who want big, single rooms that are quiet and a little bit off campus so that they can do their work. The basement of Wieland actually serves as the ACS (Asian Common Space), which is where all Asian affinity groups (Asian, South Asian, Chinese, and Korean Student Associations) gather for meetings or events.

Coming into ETHS, one Friday tradition always stood out: the Friday Song. After hearing about it from older siblings and friends as middle-schoolers, we had become rightfully excited at the prospect of music playing over the PA system at the end of each week. However, upon becoming Wildkits, the general lack of interest surrounding the Friday Song left us disappointed. An opportunity to increase school spirit, instill a sense of belonging and just generally have fun, the Friday Song has fallen short of its potential for most of the last 29 years it has been a tradition. If ETHS is to allow this occasion to be the festivity that it is meant to be, then the school should let students vote on the song that is played.

As the Evanstonian has previously covered, ETHS has a school spirit problem. Many students just do not see the appeal of pajama days, pep rallies or school formals like they have in the past. After school went remote last March though, spirit has become something that seems a lot more special.

ETHS is at a crossroads. Whenever we return fully in-person, students will either fall back into old patterns of boredom or develop a new sense of school spirit and pride. If this is desired, then administrators must listen to student voices so that it can be created.

This is one of those inspiring songs for kids that celebrates the power of imagination and the joy of language. Its playful melody and tongue-twisting lyrics make it a delightful and empowering song for kids to sing and embrace their creativity.

This is one of those inspirational songs for students that can be called the anthem of resilience and inner strength. Its powerful lyrics and emotional vocals inspire kids to overcome adversity, believe in themselves, and stand up for what they believe in.

Singing and dancing to motivational songs in groups foster a sense of unity and social connection among children. A study published in discovered that engaging in musical activities as a group promotes prosocial behaviors and strengthens social bonds among children.

Connect Musical Concepts in a Real Way

As experienced musicians know, music skills transfer across genres and instruments. Kids and newer musicians have a harder time seeing that. For example, I might use a simple folk song like Mary Had A Little Lamb to reinforce quarter, eighth, and half notes. If I leave it with this, the students will have trouble applying their skills to a new song or piece. However, if I connect it to one of their favorite songs (such as the chorus of Enemy by Imagine Dragons), they learn the ideas with more depth and are better able to apply them.

Music is something that everyone enjoys. It is evidently diverse and there is something out there for everyone. In an attempt to brighten my musical horizons, I asked 6 different individuals their favorite song. My opinion on these songs are listed below.

U.S. college students' general mental health is rapidly declining, and scholars have observed significant increases in references to depression, suicide, and mental health metaphors in popular music. Given that college students are spending more time than ever before listening to popular music, this survey aimed to assess some of the potential implications. College students (N = 253) completed an online survey about their exposure to contemporary pop songs that reference mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. Both college students' increased perceived personal connection (PPC) with the songs referencing mental health difficulties and parasocial relationships (PSR) with their performing artists were associated with increased mental health empathy. This increased mental health empathy mediated outcomes including reduced mental health stigma, increased support for public mental health resources, and increased willingness to support others struggling with their mental health. Neither PPC with the song nor PSR with the song's artist was associated with personal willingness to seek mental health help. However, post hoc analyses revealed that college students who reported stronger PPC to these songs also reported that they use music to "deal with their own mental health issues." This study's findings suggest that pop music artists who open up about mental health difficulties may have potential as novel message sources in communication campaigns designed to improve mental health outcomes among college students.

Whatever the case may be, connectivity is an important issue for students studying abroad, because isolation can happen very quickly for students who struggle to form relationships. I personally have heard stories from fellow study abroad friends who spent their nights crying because they felt so lonely. Some of them were even starting to feel depressed.

Of course, many exchange students still make happy memories, through traveling and taking part in the nice, supportive exchange community that Penn has. They also join different club activities and campus events, meeting some amazing friends and getting their personalized exchange experience. However, even for these students, there is always a little disappointment that stems from just being seen as a visitor, which can limit their full immersion into campus life. And that campus experience is one of the most important aspects of being an exchange student.

Meeting exchange students can be a valuable experience for you, too. You can learn more about the countries you were always interested in, or get some tips about your future exchange destinations. You can also visit them later in their own countries, where they can host you in return, and give you a tour around all the hidden cool places. They also have different experiences from other international students at Penn, which can help build on the global mindset Penn promotes.

So, will you make the extra effort to welcome and befriend next semester's batch of exchange students? It will be a nice, considerate gesture that they will remember and appreciate very much, and could be the start of some awesome friendships for years to come.

Specifically, one of my sessions in Queens was to focus on songwriting with students, and how to take ANY curriculum topic and turn it into an arts-infused ELA project that students will remember (and sing!) for a long long time.

After years of learning the piano from different perspectives, I wanted to explore new endeavors by combining my prior training with improvisation. I wanted to create and share authentic, high-quality interpretations of popular music with a wider audience, and developed a partnership with a local Steinway piano gallery back in Toronto. After moving to New York City, I connected with Steinway Hall in Manhattan to continue to share my popular music performances for their latest high-resolution technology product called Spirio. Out of over 10,000 songs available in the Steinway Spirio app, my music is the most sought and played. 0852c4b9a8

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