4 Questions You can Ask Experts About Extra Marital Affairs!

An extramarital affair is an illegal relationship. It begins when someone in a relationship gets involved with another person. This other person is outside of that relationship. It can hurt feelings and break the trust between the partners. This relationship results in severe consequences. It can even lead to legal separation. It is essential for the couple to maintain transparency between them. Couples can seek help from a counselor or support group to determine what to do next. They must discuss why the affair happened and decide what they want.

They can decide to continue with the relationship or end it. They can follow the correct procedures. Being honest and respectful with each other is the key to dealing with extramarital affairs. Here, the divorce lawyers in Kolkata play a crucial role.

Divorce Lawyer in Kolkata

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To upgrade your knowledge, you must look at the answers to a few questions people ask the family lawyers. You can speak to expert divorce lawyers in Kolkata for more information:

Question: What is an extramarital affair?

Answer: An extramarital affair is illegal. It occurs when a person engages in a romantic relationship with someone other than their spouse. It involves emotional or physical intimacy outside the bounds of marriage. Such a relationship can cause nothing but misery and injustice.

Question: Is extramarital affair legal in India?

Answer: No, extramarital affairs are not legal in India. Indian law considers marriage to be a sacred institution. Engaging in such an affair violates the commitment and trust between the husband and wife. It can lead to legal consequences, including divorce proceedings.

Question: Is it normal to have extramarital affairs?

Answer: Extramarital affairs are not uncommon.  They are not considered normal or acceptable behavior in Indian society. According to the Indian judiciary, extramarital affairs are not ordinary. People in such a relationship are liable to face legal consequences.

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Question: What happens after an extramarital affair?

Answer: After an extramarital affair, consequences vary depending on individual circumstances. It can lead to emotional turmoil, breakdown of trust, and even divorce. Yet, some couples choose to work through the issues with therapy and communication. They may decide to end the marriage or through legal proceedings. Regardless, honesty and open communication are crucial in addressing the aftermath of an extramarital affair.

Staying in touch with expert and knowledgeable family lawyers can greatly help you. You can reach out to an individual lawyer to get the remedy. However, getting the expertise of a seasoned law firm can be of great help to you.

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