The next European elections take place on 23-26 May 2019 giving all adult EU citizens the opportunity to select

who will represent them in the European Parliament.


EUIA PRESS is a platform designed by GODOGOOD International to provide information to journalists about the EU

Collaborative cross-border journalism is more necessary than ever.

So it is important to create opportunaties to work together on productions about news publications on

EP and EC matters. / Committees / EU Diary - EU Agenda & / NL EU Events - EU Agenda 2024

see the EC Dutch NL page or EC English page or choose a language at - for EU go to

1st goal: Form a Team / Meet the Team / In the media / Donors / Media Partners / Latest News / Newsletters


Transparency and integrity

How to create European climate neutrality by 2050

SDG Codes of conduct - NL SDG info / Guidelines -

Networks and teams with members from across Europe are able to collect and decipher investigative information.

creating: Research once, publish Europe-wide / projects and investigations

more external investigative sites:

Start your own business in the EU

Set up a European Company

Protect your business ideas

Keeping annual accounts

Merging with foreign companies

Staff exchange scheme (MobiliseSME) VHJ online is the platform where vegan journalists do research on the food industry, animal rights, global issues, environmental awareness and anything that has to do with a healthy lifestyle.

Together we can create great reports and share more awareness.

At Meld.Online we try to get information from chat-box organisations and support channels.

Our goal is to get insight, to create an overview and transparency. But also to see if there are opportunaties to get organisations work together, share resources, sharing knowledge. Using the skills and ability to plan people on more positions in different projects or more organisations. Sharing is Daring and Caring. Making the world more transparant and fair.

The translation of Meldpunt = hotline


it would be useful to set up a central body for complaints.

Doing research on how to set up a national contact point / local checkpoint

To create a single contact point, responsible for receiving reports and referring them to the competent investigating bodies.

In order to ensure the smooth operation of these notification procedures, a one-stop shop was set up for these draft measures.

Besides 'mobbing' (pestering at work by colleagues) and 'bullying' (constant pressure of employer on employee) stalking can also be reported to a central hotline [Centraal Meldpunt].