
All talks will be at Lecture Theater 311 in Huxley Building

09:30 WELCOME - coffee & tea (at Level 3 Concourse, Huxley Building)

09:55 WELCOME - Daniel Rueckert, Head of Dept. of Computing (at Lecture Theater 311)

10:10 "Deep Profiling: What Your Words Tell a Neural Net these Days" - Björn W. Schuller

10:45 "Identifying argumentative relations using deep learning" - Oana Cocarascu

11:00 "Multilinguality for free, or why you should care about linking to (BabelNet) synsets" - Roberto Navigli

11:40 "Neural, Multimodal, Energy-based Approach for Knowledge Graph Completion" - Hatem Mousselly-Sergieh

12:15 "How to find the right multimodal representations for Frame Identification" - Teresa Botschen

12:30 LUNCH (at Level 3 Concourse, Huxley Building)

13:30 "AD3 and Sparsemax: Structured Inference for Natural Language Processing" - André F.T. Martins

14:05 "ASP-based Inductive Logic Programming applied to Phrase Chunking: Challenges and Improvements" - Peter Schüller

14:20 "Meta-Interpretive Learning of Language in Logic" - Stephen H. Muggleton

14:55 "Simple Large-scale Relation Extraction from Unstructured Text" - Christos Christodoulopoulos

15:10 "Introducing FEVER: a large-scale dataset for Fact Extraction and VERification" - James Thorne

15:25 BREAK (at Level 3 Concourse, Huxley Building)

15:45 Discussion panel

16:30 Welcome by Yike Guo, director of Data Science Institute (at Data Science Institute)

16:35 Visit to the Data Observatory and refreshments (at Data Science Institute)