Lille City

Traveling to Lille

Travel time by High-speed train The easiest way to come to Lille is definitively to fly to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG). CDG is connected to almost all countries worldwide. Once in CDG, you will catch the fast train (TGV) at the train station located in Terminal 2 of CDG. 50 minutes later, you will arrive in one of the two train stations of Lille (Lille Europe or Lille Flandres).

You may also fly to London, UK, and connect to Saint Pancras train station, board on the Eurostar (fast train between the UK and France), travel under the Channel, and arrive in Lille train station.

Then the metro will take you to CRIStAL, 4 Cantons station.

You may also fly to Lille Lesquin International Airport. It is 15 minutes from Lille City Center by car (11km). The airport mostly connects other French and European cities (some with low cost companies).

Lille City

Lille has had a stormy history (it has been besieged no fewer than 11 times). The town, whose name is derived from the French « l’île » (the island), named because it was situated on an island in the Deûle River, started life as a small village founded by the Flemish around 1030.

The capital of Flanders during the Middle Ages, Lille was given to France in 1312. Subsequently, it fell into various hands (including Austrian and Spanish ones), before being reclaimed, in 1667, by Louis XIV, who made it a showcase of French power and glory. Lille was later both damaged and occupied by the Germans in both World Wars.

Lille itself is easily explored on foot with the city center only a few minutes’ walk from Eurostar’s arrival station, Lille Europe. Especially picturesque is the Old Town of Lille with its narrow cobblestone streets, contrasting architecture, charming cafés, bars, boutiques and small galleries. Lille is also home to the Palais des Beaux Arts a France’s second national art collection after the Louvre in Paris.