NOTE: I don't have any issues with timestamp. We can change time string to zero with setHours() method. The only thing which i want is date object like new Date() having date of 3 Nov,2014.

My requirement is to convert this time to local time using Javascript, eg:/ if the user is from India, first i need to take the time zone +5.30 and add that to my servertime and convert the time string to the following format

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If value is not null, the return value is the result of invoking the DateTime.Parse method on value using the formatting information in a DateTimeFormatInfo object that is initialized for the current culture. The value argument must contain the representation of a date and time in one of the formats described in the DateTimeFormatInfo topic. If value is null, the method returns DateTime.MinValue.

provider is an IFormatProvider instance that obtains a DateTimeFormatInfo object. The DateTimeFormatInfo object provides culture-specific information about the format of value. If provider is null, the DateTimeFormatInfo for the current culture is used.

The following example defines a custom format provider, CustomProvider, whose GetFormat method outputs a message to the console that it has been invoked, and then returns the DateTimeFormatInfo object of the culture whose name was passed as a parameter to its class constructor. Each of these CustomProvider objects is used to convert the elements in an object array to date and time values. The output indicates that the CustomProvider object is used in the conversion only when the type of the value parameter is a String.

provider enables the user to specify culture-specific conversion information about the contents of value. For example, if value is a String that represents a date, provider could supply culture-specific information about the notation used to represent that date. provider is involved in the conversion of value if the runtime type of value is a String, or if value is a user-defined type whose IConvertible.ToDateTime implementation makes use of provider. If the runtime type of value is String and provider is null, the CultureInfo object that represents the current culture is used.

Your document compiles without problems with tex4ht, you just need to provide a small configuration file and require the XeTeX support, which is not used by default. As you want an ePub file, you can use tex4ebook which is LaTeX to Ebook converter based on tex4ht. I've found an additional issue that doesn't affect tex4ht itself, but does affect tex4ebook.

Data converters are client-side conversion capabilities built into getPixels, computePixels, listFeatures, and computeFeatures. By specifying a compatible fileFormat, these methods can return data in Python-native formats like structured NumPy arrays for rasters and Pandas DataFrames or GeoPandas GeoDataFrames for vectors. In the case of vectors, the listFeatures and computeFeatures methods will make several network requests to fetch all the pages of the table before returning the Python object.

Some common use cases for data converters are fetching many small image tiles in parallel (e.g., training ML models or automated serial workflows) and for visualization and data exploration with your favorite Python libraries. This notebook focuses on data exploration and visualization; if you're interested in learning about fetching data in parallel, see the Medium blog post "Pixels to the people!".

In the following sections we'll convert the Earth Engine objects defined above into Python-native formats for visualization and exploring. A distinction is made between computed and stored Earth Engine data because data converter functions are specific to each type.

Computed Earth Engine data are those that are generated on the fly through instantiation of non-asset data, computation, or manipulation; they are not stored on disk for later retrieval. To request conversion of computed data, you can use the and functions for ee.FeatureCollection and ee.Image objects, respectively.

We can print the head of the Washington watersheds feature collection to preview the table, but the JSON structure makes it hard to interpret and conceptualize as a table (even with the help of eerep for rich object representation).

There are lots of charting libraries for visualizing DataFrame objects. Here, we plot the data with Altair using a stacked column chart to show the total mean annual precipitation (by monthly contribution) for each watershed intersecting Washington state. We can see quite a range in total precipitation and that summer months are generally drier than other months.

Stored Earth Engine data are those that exist as assets in the public data catalog or personal and shared cloud projects. To request conversion of stored data, you can use the and functions for ee.FeatureCollection and ee.Image objects, respectively.

Convert from UTC to a specified timezone.

We can use the TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc static method in an Assign activity (Invoke Method can work as well), setting first parameter to the UTC DateTime object and the second parameter to a TimeZoneInfo object which represent the target Timezone. The TimeZoneInfo object can be created with the help of TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById method where we need to specify the name of the timezone we want, like India Standard Time or Tokyo Standard Time.

Convert from a specified timezone to UTC

We can use the TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc static method in a similar way as above, just that the second parameter is used to specify the source timezone. Note: the source DateTime object must have the Kind property set to DateTimeKind.Unspecified.

In Python, a date object can be mentioned with or without timezones. Based on that, an object is known as Naive or Aware. A date object, by default, is naive. A datetime or time object is aware if it holds the timezone(tz) value.

We can do it with one of the pytz methods called localize() .This method is used to convert a naive to local time. It accepts the two arguments, namely the datetime object to localize and an optional is_dst flag.

As mentioned, the DateFormatter approach set's up the timezone, set's up the string format for the date, and then uses the formatter to provide the string from Foundation's date object! Looking at this a bit more in-depth, notice that the timeZone on the formatter is set to the .current timeZone. This will be set to .current by default, but it is important to note in case you need to set anything other that the current timeZone that you exist in. Also notice that the date format being set has the 'T' and Z characters in it. This tells the DateFormatter to include timeZone offset in hours. So, in the case of this post, the Z will represent -0500 at the end of the date format.

The Epoch calculation approach subtracts the total timezone offset in seconds from the Date() object given by Foundation. This calculation will result in an Epoch date that can be converted to a Date object using the timeIntervalSince1970 API. The key difference between the DateFormatter version and the Epoch calculation is that the Epoch calculation provides the date format as +0000 instead of -0500. Which means nothing for display purposes, but for evaluation purposes, it's a key difference because this means you local date is at 0-GMT.

Level Streaming Persistence is a plugin that manages saving and restoring of specific marked properties on objects contained within a streamed-out/streamed-in level. These properties are defined within the engine configuration (.ini) file.

Extended the ImmediatePhysics_Chaos API so that you can now create Immediate Physics Constraints without copying values from Constraint Instances using a new CreateJoint function that accepts a JointSettings object instead of a FConstraintInstance.

Added new user-defined bindings to Sequencer. This change adds the ability to define custom logic, using the directory blueprint, for object bindings. Instead of binding to the usual possessable or spawnable, this will optionally run arbitrary BP logic defined by the user to resolve the bound object. This makes it possible, for instance, to bind to the player pawn, or any other actor that might not exist at edit time. The UI is similar to that of the event track, and therefore reuses the director blueprint endpoint picker. There is however a new blueprint extension to compile these functions into the spawnables and possessables, and of course a spot to call these functions when appropriate.

Deprecated the GetBoundObjects as it is incompatible with Spawnables. It is recommended to use ULevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary::GetBoundObjects because it operates on the currently opened sequence in Editor and can return valid spawnable objects.

Added a new UpdateKinematicFromSimulation flag to BodyInstances. This allows kinematics to be treated the same as dynamic objects when simulating with async physics. The flag defaults to false, so there is no change in the default behavior, unless using the Physics Control Component, which sets the flag by default.

The behavior of ObjectPathToObjectName has been fixed to always return the leaf-most object name within the path (eg, "/Game/MyAsset.MyAsset:SubObject.AnotherObject" -> "AnotherObject"). Any code that relied on the old behavior should use ObjectPathToSubObjectPath instead.

Cooker and SavePackage: Move calls to BeginCacheForCookedPlatformData and ClearCachedCookedPlatformData from SavePackage into the cooker to satisfy the contract that objects do not have Clear called until the Save is completed.

Editing multiple instanced struct instances will now edit the properties of the common struct of all instances (like object editing), rather than only editing instanced struct instances using the same struct type as the first instance being edited.

Sparse data properties will be favored if they match the name of a deprecated object property. This allows Blueprints to function when object data is moved to sparse data, and the original object property deprecated. be457b7860

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