The Hudson Valley Natural Resource Mapper is an online, interactive tool designed to help identify and understand important habitat and water resources, the connections between them, and their broader regional context. The mapper also highlights Hudson River recreation sites and other areas where residents and visitors can enjoy the region's natural beauty . By bringing together information about natural features such as streams, wetlands, and large forests, as well as recreation amenities and existing protected lands, communities can begin to identify conservation priorities and strategies that can be incorporated into local land-use planning. This process will help ensure that future generations continue to enjoy the numerous benefits provided by the Hudson Valley's natural systems.

Hello @Adhitya, 

Value mapper would not be the best thing in this specific example. In Magic ETL the best thing to do is to create a filter for each value and then add constants. 

For example

Data -- > (filter column) filter for when `column` contains 'ball' --> (Add constants) Add a column with the text 'Ball'. --> You would then Append all of your data together to get all results the same. 

Here are some screenshots of the steps:


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registry.map_imperatively() will produce aMapper for a class without scanning the class fordeclarative class attributes. This method suits the use case historicallyprovided by the sqlalchemy.orm.mapper() classical mapping function,which is removed as of SQLAlchemy 2.0.

If one or more mappers in this registry containrelationship() constructs that refer to mapped classes inother registries, this registry is said to be dependent on thoseregistries. In order to configure those dependent registriesautomatically, the configure.cascade flagshould be set to True. Otherwise, if they are not configured, anexception will be raised. The rationale behind this behavior is toallow an application to programmatically invoke configuration ofregistries while controlling whether or not the process implicitlyreaches other registries.

As an alternative to invoking registry.configure(), the ORMfunction configure_mappers() function may be used to ensureconfiguration is complete for all registry objects inmemory. This is generally simpler to use and also predates the usage ofregistry objects overall. However, this function willimpact all mappings throughout the running Python process and may bemore memory/time consuming for an application that has many registriesin use for different purposes that may not be needed immediately.

After invocation, all the classes that were mapped within this registrywill no longer have class instrumentation associated with them. Thismethod is the per-registry analogue to theapplication-wide clear_mappers() function.

If this registry contains mappers that are dependencies of otherregistries, typically via relationship() links, then thoseregistries must be disposed as well. When such registries exist inrelation to this one, their registry.dispose() method willalso be called, if the dispose.cascade flagis set to True; otherwise, an error is raised if those registrieswere not already disposed.

Mapper configuration is normally invoked automatically, the first timemappings from a particular registry are used, as well aswhenever mappings are used and additional not-yet-configured mappers havebeen constructed. The automatic configuration process however is local onlyto the registry involving the target mapper and any relatedregistry objects which it may depend on; this isequivalent to invoking the registry.configure() methodon a particular registry.

By contrast, the configure_mappers() function will invoke theconfiguration process on all registry objects thatexist in memory, and may be useful for scenarios where many individualregistry objects that are nonetheless interrelated arein use.

Changed in version 1.4: As of SQLAlchemy 1.4.0b2, this function works on aper-registry basis, locating all registryobjects present and invoking the registry.configure() methodon each. The registry.configure() method may be preferred tolimit the configuration of mappers to those local to a particularregistry and/or declarative base class.

The mapper configure process, whether invoked byconfigure_mappers() or from registry.configure(),provides several event hooks that can be used to augment the mapperconfiguration step. These hooks include:

MapperEvents.before_configured() - called once beforeconfigure_mappers() or registry.configure() does anywork; this can be used to establish additional options, properties, orrelated mappings before the operation proceeds.

MapperEvents.mapper_configured() - called as each individualMapper is configured within the process; will include allmapper state except for backrefs set up by other mappers that are stillto be configured.

Parameters documented below may be passed to either theregistry.map_imperatively() method, or may be passed in the__mapper_args__ declarative class attribute described atMapper Configuration Options with Declarative.

Deprecated since version 1.3: The mapper.non_primary parameter is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. The functionality of non primary mappers is now better suited using the AliasedClass construct, which can also be used as the target of a relationship() in 1.3.

If the mapper has not been configured yet, just adds theproperty to the initial properties dictionary sent to theconstructor. If this Mapper has already been configured, thenthe given MapperProperty is configured immediately.

The Mapper.all_orm_descriptorsaccessor namespace is aninstance of OrderedProperties. This isa dictionary-like object which includes a small number ofnamed methods such as OrderedProperties.items()and OrderedProperties.values(). Whenaccessing attributes dynamically, favor using the dict-accessscheme, e.g. mapper.all_orm_descriptors[somename] overgetattr(mapper.all_orm_descriptors, somename) to avoid namecollisions.

This is an object that provides each property based onits key name. For instance, the mapper for aUser class which has attribute wouldprovide, which would be theColumnProperty representing the namecolumn. The namespace object can also be iterated,which would yield each MapperProperty.

The Mapper.attrs accessor namespace is aninstance of OrderedProperties. This isa dictionary-like object which includes a small number ofnamed methods such as OrderedProperties.items()and OrderedProperties.values(). Whenaccessing attributes dynamically, favor using the dict-accessscheme, e.g. mapper.attrs[somename] overgetattr(mapper.attrs, somename) to avoid name collisions.

This list is against the selectable inMapper.persist_selectable.In the case of inheriting mappers, some columns may be managed by asuperclass mapper. For example, in the case of aJoin, theprimary key is determined by all of the primary key columns across alltables referenced by the Join.

the Mapper.relationships accessor namespace is aninstance of OrderedProperties. This isa dictionary-like object which includes a small number ofnamed methods such as OrderedProperties.items()and OrderedProperties.values(). Whenaccessing attributes dynamically, favor using the dict-accessscheme, e.g. mapper.relationships[somename] overgetattr(mapper.relationships, somename) to avoid namecollisions.

License of use: 

 eggNOG data and the eggNOG-mapper tool are open-source and fully free resources for academics. However, any kind of commercial usage requires explicit licensing; please contact for further information.

Additionally, the Anopheles map includes a menu that allows for download of analysis ready data. These are a series of geospatial datasets for insecticide resistance in malaria vectors that can be used to quantify insecticide resistance trends in time and space. To request the up-to-date dataset displayed on the site, contact us via

EDM contains data sources on atmospheric deposition, nonpoint and point nitrogen sources, and nitrogen loads to estuaries and their associated watersheds. EPA researchers will continue to incorporate new data resources and update the mapper to help protect these vital, productive ecosystems.

The mapper uses three different price points, as well as the maximum mitigation potential that each pathway could achieve. Click the lock icon to set all the pathways to the same level. (See marginal abatement costs in FAQ). We encourage you to discover the many ways that nature and working lands can reduce emissions depending on the cost and our level of ambition. 006ab0faaa

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