Java for Mobile Devices is a set of technologies that let developers deliver applications and services to all types of mobile handsets, ranging from price efficient feature-phones to the latest smartphones.

In the constructor, the number is string but when you call the constructor you used an int for phone number. There must have been a compile error here in java I think. Is this the same code you compiled?

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I'm doing Selenium JAVA tests for mobile using the Chrome driver with its emulator. The problem is that I can't use the most advanced mobile devices like iPhone 7,8 etc even-though its in my drop-down list when manually testing in the devtools. This is the driver init. that works perfectly with many mobile devices:

I have developed one desktop application using netbeans 7.3 ,JDK 1.7. How can i make this application as a mobile application(that can be run in mobile device , or at least how can i run this application on windows phone). Please provide some help. Thanks in advance.

This depends very strongly on what you used in your desktop application and what mobile platforms you want to port it to. Windows Phone should be difficult, as Java is not one of the supported programming languages. Android would probably be easier, though still likely a lot of work. And if you're talking J2ME, well, that too will be a lot of work.

Originally developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 68, the different flavors of Java ME have evolved in separate JSRs. Java ME devices implement a profile. The most common of these are the Mobile Information Device Profile aimed at mobile devices such as cell phones, and the Personal Profile aimed at consumer products and embedded devices like set-top boxes and PDAs. Profiles are subsets of configurations, of which there are currently two: the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and the Connected Device Configuration (CDC).[6]

Designed for mobile phones, the Mobile Information Device Profile includes a GUI, and a data storage API, and MIDP 2.0 includes a basic 2D gaming API. Applications written for this profile are called MIDlets.

Itried a lot to connect my java mobile for sharing internet in my phone. But I don't know how to make the connection true. How can I connect my mobile phone(java) as a mobile broadband to share internet to my computer?

This is really going to depend on the phone. In some instances you are going to have to install a program in the google market place to download a tethering app. In other cases, tethering is already included in the phone. If I go to settings, more networks, and go to tethering and mobile hotspot it will give the option for me to tether my phone using usb, or wifi. This is also going to depend on your service provider because some service providers lock down tethering unless you have a plan aka MetroPCS. In some cases, like one of my older phones you can get around this using one of the tethering apps, but in other cases the phone is really locked down and the only options are to either pay or to root your phone using something like multirom.

Java applications are run on a java virtual machine, which is what allows them to work on multiple platforms. However, android sdks have quite a few additional libraries and features pertaining exclusively to an android-compatible application that would make direct porting to windows impossible without adaptation.

This is a framework written by Facebook that allows you to write mobile applications that work on both platforms using javascript. If you wish to learn about React Native I would recommend using the website Udemy and searching for React Native. The courses are cheap and they are packed with information.

Mobile devices have become immensely popular in the last decade, and users are spending more time on mobile devices than on desktop computers. This initial release covers the development of mobile applications, including Android Studio, application resources, sensors, model-view-controller design pattern, user interface (UI) components, activities and intents, and fragments. This zyBook is a complete replacement for existing textbooks on the topic and includes hundreds of interactive items proven to help students learn and stay engaged, and for which instructors often assign some homework points.

Make use of hardware features on mobile devices in a platform-agnostic way. Gluon Mobile makes available all the storage systems, accelerometers, screen details, GPS devices, and more in a device-independent fashion.


I want to run some java code from C++ but every time I search for a java class using env->FindClass the application crashes telling me that the class do not exist. The class exist but somehow the JNIEnv that I get do not have access to the new java classes. How can I fix that?

Java application development has been on the rise for a long time as this versatile and powerful language allows developers to build secure, robust, and feature-rich mobile products. Java is an advanced and highly sought-after technology with significant benefits over other languages and environments.

ROI is the first and foremost thing any business strives for when developing a mobile application. The adoption of Java-based products shows high cost-effectiveness and allows the building of high-performance applications with relatively low investment.

One way or another, businesses today prefer mobile applications that can serve thousands of users. Therefore, they use programming languages that allow them to create such products. Enterprises that are scalable and have high requirements always prefer to use Java. This is the best solution for building high-level products and providing multi-threading. It allows easy multitasking and offers advanced exception-handling opportunities.

Multi-platform development within creating a mobile phone app offers many advantages compared to the native approach: a single code base for all platforms, easier and faster deployment, reduced development time and cost, coverage of a wider audience of users, the acceptability of the same user interface and UX, and others.

The possibility of growth is one of the key factors for modern business, and that is why flexibility in mobile app development is a must. The fact is that starting with MVP, no one wants to stop there. Vast opportunities and prospects encourage modern companies to use them and expand their digital products' capabilities. Java makes it possible to scale your product by adding new functionality and carefully distributing the load. And this, in turn, gives unlimited business opportunities for growth.

In addition, Java has an easy-to-read syntax that simplifies and speeds up the development of mobile applications. Java is a high-level programming language, which means that it is very similar to human language, and does not mimic machine code, as with low-level languages. This positively affects writing, reading, and maintaining within mobile application development.

You can move your entire development team offshore and have a large selection of specialists to choose from. In addition, when building your mobile application in Java, developers can collaborate, use public libraries, and get the most out of community support.

Java development is extremely popular now and will remain relevant in the near future. Today, Java is considered a mature programming language for developing mobile applications with a strong ecosystem. And the future of mobile app development will depend on key trends such as security features, scalability, a pool of talents at affordable prices, updates and community support, and integration with the latest emergent technologies.

In addition, native technologies are becoming more and more valuable, which means that Java will continue to find its way into mobile development, as it allows the building of native Android applications with amazing features.

While Java programming for app development has vast potential, this language will face serious competition from the Google ecosystem. Constant updates are vital for keeping Java at the forefront of mobile application development.

At EPAM Startups & SMBs, we always select the right technology stack for our client's products, explain our choice, and guarantee that the chosen language will be the best solution for your project. Our developers have extensive experience implementing Java mobile development projects and know your business needs. Hire Java developers to create an ideal solution for your project that meets all your mobile development business requirements.

EPAM Startups & SMBs is your advanced and reliable Java development provider that has been implementing mobile development projects worldwide for several years. Our team provides top-notch services for clients, and our valuable expertise and successfully released projects evidence this. Get access to the most talented developers, convenient workflow, flexible collaboration, and cutting-edge solutions.

Appium makes automated mobile app testing a lot more efficient by offering scalability and flexibility. Mobile testing using Appium has gained traction in the mobile application industry with its extensive features in a short period.

Java is one of the best programming languages. It is extremely popular in the market because of its impressive features. Java is a robust, high-level, object-oriented, and secure programming language. It is used to develop mobile apps, web apps, desktop apps, games, and much more.

Teams adopting Agile methodology for mobile testing can easily integrate Appium into the testing process. It benefits both QAs and mobile developers because Appium tests are easy to consider in the development source code repository.

Considering the support for multiple languages by Appium choosing Java becomes obvious since Java is the most common language used by mobile testers and quality assurance professionals for automation. The Appium Java client currently has the most robust Appium functionality. 0852c4b9a8

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