The USA Archery Instructor Trainer certification course is an additional certification course that current USA Archery Level 2 instructors and higher-level coaches may take. Successful completion of this course is required in order to teach the USA Archery Level 1 Instructor practical course and the USA Archery Level 2 Instructor practical course.

A candidate meeting these requirements is employed in a part-time position on an annual contract basis and is not eligible for continuing service status or retirement provisions. A school district may contract with an adjunct instructor on an hourly, daily, or periodic basis. The local school district must provide an orientation program for adjunct instructors.

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Training Areas

 After initial instructor certification is completed, primary instructors may provide training in any subject presented in the basic course curriculum, or in any subject determined to be needed by the department CEO if the trainer feels he/she has sufficient experience and education to provide good quality instruction.

These certifications require additional training for the instructor since these skill areas are considered high liability disciplines. To become a psychomotor skill instructor requires the officer to (A) be a LETB Primary Instructor in good standing, (B) complete a LETB approved instructor course in the area for which that officer seeks certification and (C) submit the required documents for certification.

An applicant must first request an application form from the Executive Director. An applicant must first complete an application. This application requires an explanation of why the applicant wishes to become a Senior Instructor. Also, applicants must submit documentation showing that the applicant is a primary or psychomotor skill instructor (in good standing).

Waivers for this senior instructor process will have to be submitted to the Master Instructor board for review and approval. For waiver information, contact Lt. Tom Lahay at

Initial application for Master Instructor is made to the Chairman of the Master Instructor Committee. Interested candidates should submit an instructor application, short resume, and a cover letter addressed to the Chairman of the Committee stating their desire to become a Master Instructor. Once the Committee has determined that the candidate has met the basic requirements, an interview will be scheduled for the Candidate with the Committee. If the Candidate passes the interview phase, he or she will be asked to select a mentor from the current pool of Master Instructors.

Candidates have one (1) year to teach a basic class, an in-service class and an instructor development class. Each class will be observed and evaluated by the mentor. Candidates are also required to write a research paper on a law enforcement subject of their choice. The paper will be evaluated by the Committee on construction, use of grammar, and accuracy of information. After the paper is accepted by the Committee, the Candidate is required to return and defend the paper in front of the Committee.

1. Primary and Psychomotor Skill re-certifications are good for three (3) years from the date of approval. Failure to recertify before the expiration date will require an instructor to retake the Instructor Development Course as well as any psychomotor skill instructor course (if an instructor is also certified in one or more of these areas). The applicant may request a one-time extension as outlined below. There is no grace period for instructor re-certifications.

4. Psychomotor skill instructors must document thirty-six (36) hours of instruction in each certified psychomotor skill area. For example, if an EVO instructor teaches all 36 hours presenting EVO material, that instructor can use those 36 hours to satisfy both the primary and the psychomotor skill minimum instructional time requirement. However, if this instructor is also a firearms instructor, this instructor must present at least 36 hours of EVO instruction AND 36 hours of firearms instruction to be re-certified in both areas.

6. Master Instructor re-certification requires documentation that the applicant has evaluated three (3) instructors per year, or three (3) programs per year, or a combination of three (3) of the above evaluations. In addition, if a Master Instructor wishes to retain a psychomotor skill certification, that instructor must also submit the documentation required for that psychomotor skill.

The certification period is determined by the date the instructor card is issued and is three years. If a Psychomotor Skill (EVO, FIREARMS, or PHYSICAL TACTICS) is added as an additional certification to a Primary Certification, the expiration date will be updated for both the Primary Certification and the Psychomotor skill. The new expiration date for both the Primary and Psychomotor skill will be three years from the date the last Psychomotor Skill was added.

Example: A new instructor has three (3) years to teach until time to re-certify. That instructor must document thirty-six (36) or more hours of instruction in a primary area. If the initial date of certification is 05/03/2020, the date of expiration will be 05/03/2023. If a psychomotor skill instructional area is added on 09/03/2021, the expiration date for both the primary and psychomotor skill will be updated to 09/03/2024.

The instructor applicant must be a certified firearms instructor who has been certified by a nationally recognized organization that customarily offers firearms training or by any other organization approved by the Department of Public Safety.

The instructor applicant must schedule an appointment for orientation/certification via email: or via telephone: (601) 487-7039. Orientations are conducted on Fridays from 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm.

Each course of study, except self-study courses, must have an instructor who is qualified by education, training, or experience to ensure competent instruction. In the case of a self-study course, this requirement applies to the author of the course material. Failure to have only qualified instructors teach at an approved course offering will result in loss of course approval. A person applying for approval as an instructor must make available upon request such records and data required by the commissioner to administer the provisions and further the purposes of this chapter.

(1) be licensed in good standing as either a certified residential real property appraiser or a certified general real property appraiser, and must have been so licensed for the three-year period immediately preceding the individual's application to become an instructor of the Minnesota Supervisor/Trainee Appraiser Course; and

(2) not have been the subject of any license or certificate suspension or revocation, or been prohibited from supervising activities in this state or any other state within the three years immediately preceding the individual's application to become an instructor of the Minnesota Supervisor/Trainee Appraiser Course.

Continuing Education class instructors are entitled to extra CE credits for their teaching work. The instruction must be for a course pre-approved by the Department of Commerce and does not apply to authors of Internet course material. A full explanation and an application form to claim the credit is available here.

Example: If the applicant was the only instructor for a 4 hour course, the Education Provider will upload the 4 hours and Commerce will enter 8 hours for a total of 12 full hours of credit.

Example: If the applicant was one of multiple instructors for a course over 2 hours in length and attended the course in its entirety, (for the example use 4 hours for the course with 2 instructors, each teaching for 2 hours) they would receive the full amount of the course time (in this case 4 hours) as a student and then two times the amount of time the instructor taught 2Hrs X 2=4. In this case the instructor would receive a total of 8 hours of credit.

Example: If the applicant was one of multiple instructors for a course of 2 hours or less, and attended the course in its entirety, each instructor will receive credit for the full 2 hour course regardless of how long each instructor spoke. The Education Provider will upload the 2 hours and Commerce will enter 4 hours for a total of 6 full hours of credit.

(b) Qualified instructors will earn 3 hours of continuing education credit for each classroom hour of approved instruction that they deliver (1) independently, or (2) as part of a team presentation in a course of 2 hours or less, if they attend the course in its entirety. No more than half of the continuing education hours required for renewal of a license may be earned as a qualified instructor at the rate of 3 hours of continuing education credit for each classroom hour of approved instruction. No credit will be earned if the licensee has previously obtained credit for the same course as either a student or instructor during the same licensing period.

Experienced CPS technicians who are ready to help others learn how to become technicians should consider working towards becoming a certified instructor. To earn this certification, CPS Technicians must: ff782bc1db

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