Well, you could record a Video Demo using Captivate. Then publish that out as an MP4. Then you could edit the MP4 using Premiere Pro or Premiere Elements. Then you could render it back out and use it as a video in Captivate.

Those are great ideas. Funny, Camtasia was the other program I have used, which works very well for the clip speed purposes. Camtasia would likely be the easier method to create the MP4 file out of and import into Captivate.

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I thought one of the main purposes of Captivate was to record your screen? This would essentially be a video would it not? I also can confirm that it was possible in Captivate 3 to speed up either certain sections or whole parts of your video. I too was struggling to find this feature in the latest version (having upgraded straight from 3). I can't believe (and really hoping they haven't) taken something like this out ?

Hmmm, although Captivate is indeed a great application to create software simulations, contrary to other tools like Camtasia its real power is not in creating passive video, but interactive simulations. And that has been the case since CP1 (even before when it was called RoboDemo), why do you seem to suppose something else? Since CP6 there is a companion application that allows to create pure video as well (output MP4), but the classic work flow is to create static slides, with occasionally some FMR-slides to show scrolling or dragging. The default speed is set to 30FPS, and having used CP since many years, that will be the speed of the total project. You can change that in: Preferences, Project, Publish settings.

I appreciate this but having been a heavy user of captivate 3. It created the slides based on your screen recordings. It would then allow you to increase or decrease sections of what was going on to give the appearance of a sped up section of video. Captivate 8 records screens in a very different way and as such you can no longer speed up the videos.

As for the real power with captivate being interactive presentations, that is probably the case but if you watch any of the tutorials on the Adobe site for captivate they're all using captivate to record video demos! Which would suggest that it should have the capabilities that it used to have?

The first line selects the video objects on the screen and stores them in the variable myVid, the next line takes the first element of that variable (which if you only have one video will appear in the first location) and adjusts it's playback rate. 0.5 would be half speed, 2 would be double speed, 1 is normal speed.

Hi folks! I made this short video to experiment with multiple text filters on one clip. Each text filter has one word, set to a preset, positioned using spacing in the text pane (return and space bar). The start position of each word has been incremented by 10 frames in the Keyframes editor by dragging the green line (project is set to 30fps) to achieve a revealing text effect.

Shotcut text filters.JPG510935 48 KB

The best way to achieve that is to use Overlay HTML and click the WebVfx Javascript extension checkbox. It creates a document that is setup for vertical scrolling credits. The Text filter is limited to 512 bytes after variable substitution. The number of letters that corresponds to depends on UTF-8 encoding, but using the basic latin character set, it will be 511. Furthermore, CSS has letter-spacing, word-spacing, and line-height.

What I described does NOT require the @Elusien add-on. A basic vertical scroll is builtin now when you choose WebVfx Javascript Extensions. elusien did not make WebVfx but misleadingly reused the name when making his add-on. WebVfx is actually a technology used in Shotcut that I maintain now.

This page demonstrates the YouTube Player API's functions. Embedded players must have a viewport that is at least 200px by 200px. If the player displays controls, it must be large enough to fully display the controls without shrinking the viewport below the minimum size. We recommend 16:9 players be at least 480 pixels wide and 270 pixels tall.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

The only way to publish my recording as a MP4 file is: to enter the fine tuning from the video source in a slide, click export movie...so I only managed in having several tiny mp4 files spread (export clip) ...and not a unique video... or a unique video if importing the video as one slide...but no caption texts...

Is there a reason it has to be an MP4? If you're hosting them on a website, why not just publish the Storyline file for web and upload that to your web server. Point it to launch the "story.html" file and it will play the course. It would be playable via a PC or mobile device (assuming you check the mobile publishing option boxes).

but it is not the perfect solution on an organizational point of you as,internally the process to upload mp4 is much quicker and easier than the one to upload a storyline file. I would sum up saying "I can upload the mp4 myself" vs. "I would have to ask to upload the SL file and ask/pay/wait/rely..on...another Department"...!

It's not currently possible to publish a View Mode screencast as a single MP4 file. The reason for this is that each action in the screencast is published as a single slide with its own items (like captions, mouse cursors, and so on). If you'd like to see a feature in a future release that allows you to publish a screencast as an MP4 video with the elements added to it, submit a feature request to us by using the method below:

Research by Think With Google found that over 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store, making it crucial for businesses to invest in product demo videos. Without a compelling demonstration of your product, you run the risk of losing potential customers to competitors that have invested in video marketing.

In a nutshell, a product demonstration video illustrates how your product works by showing it in action. This can be a compelling way to communicate the value of your product to prospective customers and persuade them to make a purchase.

There are a number of ways that video can help boost traffic to your website. First, the internet has become an incredibly visual space and with this change, videos have become more and more important for SEO.

In fact, research shows that websites featuring videos are 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google than those without. And with over 25% of searchers clicking on the first organic search result, getting links to your website as high as possible on the first page of Google is key to driving traffic.

While it can be tempting to focus exclusively on cool features, be sure to mention the problems and pain points that your product will solve. The idea here is to remind your audience why they need your product, which will encourage them to take the plunge.

With Camtasia, you can access a wide range of templates to help make the video creation process as smooth and easy as possible. And before you ask, yes, we do have a product demo template that you can use in Camtasia.

On the other hand, if you need to record an app or feature on an iOS device, we can help you there as well! With the TechSmith Capture mobile app, you can easily record your smartphone screen and import the recording into Camtasia.

What action do you hope the viewer takes after watching your video, and what business need does it fulfill? For example, "After watching our product demo video, we hope the viewer submits a demo request form."

Has the audience for this video purchased with you before? Are you introducing a new product or feature to them? Or, is this video reaching people who have never heard of you? What will this audience be concerned with? How long will they want to watch? What buyer persona will you be gearing this video for?

If you have a small budget, you can still create a great video with a smartphone that has a high-quality camera. You can also screen record your computer to use as B-roll as you navigate through your platform.

Work with what you have and be proud of whatever you create. Consider leveraging an interactive product demo software to allow customers to actively engage with the features and functionalities of the product and provide a personalized and immersive understanding of its capabilities.

Another factor to consider is length. How long should a product demo video be, you ask? Two minutes is the sweet spot. However, you can go up to five minutes, if your demo goes into detail about use cases and features.

Animation can sometimes be a little cheaper than a live-action video. If you have a software product, you can also consider embedding an interactive demo onto your landing page. There are an increasing number of interactive product demo tools becoming available to do that.

One great thing about the intro above is that it establishes a pain point by asking the audience if they've ever dealt with bad credit or poor savings. Then, it highlights exactly how Esusu can help them.

In a Kickstarter video for their newest robot, they begin by featuring the iconic BB-8 robot that skyrocketed their success. Once the viewer knows who they are, they present their new robot: The Sphero RVR.

As consumers seek out more video content while researching products, marketers are also finding that videos are their most effective asset. Like them, you'll want to leverage video marketing and product demos to guide your prospect to the customer stage.

The following videos provide demonstrations of select universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations allowed as part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). 152ee80cbc

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